Teddy Stoddard

Every once in awhile, a sermon illustration you hear really sticks with you.  Yesterday’s sermon by Pastor Harrell outlined Barnabas and his continual lifestyle of encouragement.   When Pastor arrived at the point of this particular illustration, after the first line, I whispered the outcome of the story in my…

Hope for Hope

The raindrops have fallen most of the day and the tears running down my cheeks for my sweet friends have been no different.  Coming in spurts at times, gushing at others…the weather of the day seemed to reflect my mood, the one where life doesn’t seem fair.  And it is…

Little Lamb

Any time I am reading the Bible and discover metaphors comparing God or Jesus to a shepherd, my ears perk up.  So last week was no different as I was reading Isaiah 40 for Ladies’ Bible Study Fellowship. This chapter is a huge encouragement for the children of Israel, as…

A Peek in the Womb

Yesterday my husband and I had the incredible opportunity to have a 3D ultrasound.  Because I’m sooo old to have a baby, (don’t ask!) the doctor considers me to have age-related risk factors so he ordered a level II ultrasound. To have a sneak-preview at God’s creation is more than…