Anxiety and Worries and Diapers, Oh My!

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This morning I had the privilege to share a prayer testimony of one of the many ways God has worked in our family’s life through prayer.  Two years ago, about this time, I was pregnant with our sweet Tarah and my belly was growing each day.  With that growth, and the glorious winter weather we have here in Columbus, OH (Oh, yes. So many overcast, ugly gray days you just can’t keep up.), the worry over finances began to loom over me.  Oh, but it wasn’t just a financial thing.

The Devil kept bringing up diapers.  What?! Well, with having 6 children, my husband and I have transitioned multiple times over in regards to caring for their needs.  But there was a period years before, that we had 3 in diapers at the same time.  Fun.  My mind just kept thinking about that period of time and how expensive it was to keep up.  Really, I worked myself into a frenzy over diapers, sometimes a couple times a day.

Then I became convicted.  I Peter 5:7 was waving at me and started shouting my name.

“Casting all your care (anxiety or worry) on Him, for He cares for you.”

So I began to pray each and every single time the thought of diapers and their expense rose to the surface of my  mind.  “Lord, I know Your Word says You are my Provider.  Please take this worry over diapers and give me victory in Your Promises.”   I continued this prayer for a few months.   Sometimes just one time in a day; often it was multiple times throughout the day.

Then, one morning, the week before I was due to deliver Sweet T, I was standing in the kitchen, washing dishes, when my husband came in from work.  He worked nightshift in the ER at the time and so the time was a little later than he typically comes home, but I thought he got hung up saving someone’s life. Literally.  However, he went into the living room and then back out to his car.  Then into the living room and back out to his car again.  I made the circle around from the kitchen, just in time to see him coming through the garage door a third time, arms full of baby bags.  On the couch were stacks of diapers. And wipes. And some other gifts.  21 packages of diapers in all, all different sizes.  “Honey, my co-workers gave us a diaper shower last night.”

I’ve never heard of a man receiving a baby shower from his co-workers.  Isn’t it amazing how God works?  I hadn’t prayed for diapers specifically; all I requested was that God would give me the strength not to worry over something so trivial.  Even though it seemed like a big deal.

The story gets better.  That same day about 1 pm, the doorbell rang.  I went to answer the door and saw the UPS man, who had cases of something stacked on his dolly.  As he arrived on the porch, I realized the cases were…you guessed it! Diapers!  My sister, Sharon, had felt impressed by the Lord to send diapers to me and so she went online to Sam’s Club and had them sent directly to my house.

We didn’t buy diapers for Tarah until she was 15 months old.

Why am I telling you this?  Because God answers prayer in His own way.

Even when the request is something as silly as “Lord, please take away my worry over diapers.”

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall bring it to pass. Prov. 3:5&6


  1. I was there at this breakfast visiting with my mother. You certainly have a gift to speak and to speak directly to women to really need to hear what you have to say. I took in everything that morning. It was a great way to start my morning.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you words! So thrilled that it blessed you.

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