No Sweeter Sound

Re-post today. Be sure to come back tomorrow for our weekly Bible Reading Challenge check-in AND we have a fun giveaway planned! So don’t miss it! “There’s no sweeter sound than to hear your baby say “DA-DA”.” This was my husband’s facebook status last week. I replied that I thought…

Where God Guides

Just for fun and out of curiosity, I thought it would be fun to take a glance back at 2012 and give you the top ten most popular posts for the year. God continually works in wonderful and mysterious ways. Drum roll, please… 😉 Here we go: The Top Ten…

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to my wonderful blog subscribers and readers! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate each of you, your comments, your encouragement, and those of you who link up on Mondays.  I thought you’d enjoy seeing my family’s 99th   100th take on the Christmas tree shot. We…