But I Can’t

From the time we are born, the mentality of “I can” is ingrained in our thick skulls. Parents say, “Oh, yes, you CAN.” (mmmhmmm. I’m one of those.) Teachers reiterate: “Just try. Then try again.” Even the childhood story of The Little Engine that Could is a favorite. “I think…

Darkness Be Gone

On Fridays, my friend, The Gypsy Mama, gives writers a five minute word prompt and we take off on the adventure of description for that one word. Today, she graciously allowed more the five minutes. Today is more than Friday. Today is Good Friday. The prompt? Light. Darkness had fallen…

Another Manic Monday

Found myself talking to Monday this morning.  Our conversation went something like: Good morning, Monday. How your punctuality is never good timing for me. Our family has been swamped with three kiddos in basketball for the last two months. Three practices a week; three games a weekend. Throw in a…

Who Are You?

Today I write…not for you. But for me. I write because I love writing. I write because words are my release and my relaxation. I write because the world needs writers. I write because God gave me the gift to write. I write because I don’t need reasons or issues…