And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

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Five Minute Friday at the Gypsy Mama’s word prompt. Love that girl for helping me stay focused on what I love to do- write.  On Fridays, we write for 5 minutes, no take-backs, and link up together. Yep, this is the kind of crazy stuff writers do.

And without further ado, I present to you: LOUD.

The children of Israel were tired of the crazy battling life.  Jericho was in the lineup and man, couldn’t God just take care of this mess? Wipe em out? Give them an earthquake or something?

The Lord’s instructions were to walk around the walls of Jericho, one time a day.  At the end of the week, they would walk around seven times, and blow their instruments. I’m sure even Joshua, the leader, might have thought there was an easier way, but his faith in the Lord was strong. As long as he was in charge, they would obey the Lord’s command.

I’m imagining that the people of the city of Jericho watched from atop the massive walls. Thinking that the Israelites had no battling rams, no forceful mechanisms to knock down the walls, they probably thought it was hysterical to watch this simple walk around the city. But with all the troops moving, I’m guessing it was a bit loud to hear this marching around the city.

The seventh day came and with each lap, I’m guessing it may have gotten quieter initially.  Hmmm. Something was different. Why were these people continuing to walk around? 3 times, 5 times, and then on the 7th time, things got a bit

loud.The trumpets were blowing, the timbrels were shaking, every horned instrument was making noise and in the midst of all that, the Lord knocked down the walls of Jericho. From the inside out. 

Now that is LOUD.

Loud in noise.

Loud in miracle.

Loud and clear about who truly is in charge.

So how much noise does God have to make to have your full attention?  or are you fully aware of His still small voice?

PS: I cheated. I added the link to my friends at Answers in Genesis after the 5 minutes was up. ;0) Forgive me; I thought you’d enjoy it.




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  1. Hey Rachel!
    I LOVE your 5 minute Fridays!!! So, the walls came tumbling down from the inside out, that seems to be God’s favorite way of working. He gets to the inside, then His results come out! Have a great weekend girl!
    -Blessings, Amy

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Wow Amy! What a great analogy.I love your thoughts on this. Thanks a ton.

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