The Honest Wife

Can I just begin by telling you that I have one awesome husband who loves God, his family and lives like it? And with that, can I tell you that with all my duties, interests, God-given responsibilities and ummmm, laundry, sometimes…well, way too often, my husband gets placed on… the…

Another Manic Monday

Found myself talking to Monday this morning.  Our conversation went something like: Good morning, Monday. How your punctuality is never good timing for me. Our family has been swamped with three kiddos in basketball for the last two months. Three practices a week; three games a weekend. Throw in a…

Who Are You?

Today I write…not for you. But for me. I write because I love writing. I write because words are my release and my relaxation. I write because the world needs writers. I write because God gave me the gift to write. I write because I don’t need reasons or issues…


Five Minute Friday. The dare to write for 5 minutes flat without edits. Your heart on the screen in word form, no take-backs. This week’s word: Empty. And my thoughts. I don’t think my mother’s heart can ever imagine what it is like to watch your child die.  To stand…