30 Ways to Read Your Bible More

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30 ways to read your Bible more- you'll love these ideas!

Today I was thinking about all the excuses I’ve used in past years not to read my Bible. Honestly, I’m embarrassed when I think over them. “I just don’t have enough time.” Really? Did I have enough time to update my social media status? Then… Yeah, I know you get it. So instead of beating myself up when I mess up and fail to take the time to do what is really important to me- growing spiritually- then I decided to be more proactive in reading my Bible. Think of all the ways to read your Bible more!

How do we create habits? By consistently doing them- good or bad. Honestly, I love to be disciplined in good habits. I feel empowered when I am consistently following through with the goals I’ve set, no matter what they are. So today I’m sharing the ways I’ve found to read my Bible more and maybe you’ll find a couple methods that will work for you too! Here we go:

1. Keep a Bible in your purse or pocket.

2. Use a Bible app on your smartphone.

3. Sign up for Bible reading plan emails.

4. Read your Bible during waiting times, perhaps in the parent pickup line for school or the doctor’s office waiting room.

5. Listen to the Bible on audio during commute.

6. Decorate your walls with Scripture art.

7. Keep a chalkboard in the kitchen for a daily Scripture verse.

8. Use a perpetual calendar with Scripture for your office desk or dining room table.

9. Wear jewelry with a Bible verse.

10. Use BibleScreen.com for all your digital device screens.

11. Keep Bible memory verse cards handy.

12. Use Scripture Typer for Bible memory verse fun.

13. Listen to Scripture in song.

14. Keep a Scripture journal and simply write one verse a day from the passage you are reading. (I’m doing this for Proverbs now!)

Redeemed – Love & Faithfulness – Padfolio
from: DaySpring Cards Inc

15. Post a verse to your social media.

16. Read the Verse A Day from KLove Radio– also available as an email subscription!

17. Enjoy a Bible Verse of the Day on Facebook.

18. Check out the Verse for the Day from my awesome friends at What’s in the Bible?

19. Create your own Bible reading plan with Logos .

20. Read through the book of Proverbs in a month by reading one chapter a day.

21. Choose one of my printable Bible reading plans designed for children and read together as a family.

22. Follow @Daily_Bible on Twitter to read a Bible verse a day in your Twitter feed.

23. Use a weekly or daily planner that includes a Scripture at the top of the page.( like mine!)

24. One of my favorites- keep the Promise Box – Our Daily Bread in a handy location for daily reading.

25. Join a Bible study group in your church, community or online.

26. Have a cup of Scripture tea and meditate over the verse.

27. Play a Bible board game.

28. Do a Bible word search.

29. Keep a Bible on your nightstand and read one verse each night just before bed.

30. Download an app that specifically includes a Bible verse a day; there are many to choose from!

Bonus! Just saw this beautiful calendar from Dayspring that would be another perfect addition to read more Bible daily.

KJV Bible Verses - 2015 Value Wall Calendar

I’d love to hear from you today!

Which idea is your favorite? What method have you found to read more Scripture on a daily basis?

Have a marvelous Monday!



  1. Thank you for your encouragement in this area, Rachel! I love the idea of having a chalk board in the kitchen for Bible verses. This would be a great way for me to work on Scripture memorization. I have tried to memorize verses from 3×5 cards in the past, but I always seem to lose the cards. Thanks again for the great post, and please know that God keeps laying your family and especially sweet Taylor on my heart for prayer. May God bless you.

  2. I do the Bible verse of the day it just comes straight to my phone every morning


  4. Rachel, great ideas! I read my devotional after prayer and journaling thoughts in a few quiet moments. Hopefully if I have risen on time, I read my Bible, now Proverbs with the challenge. If I am late, I always have my Bible with me and I have a Scripture Verse desk calendar at school. Nighttime is usually my favorite time to really read my Bible and drift off to sleep in the wee hours of the night still meditating and pondering God’s Word, His promises…God is good! His time is not limited…it can be endless even when I think that it is too short! Endless possibilities! God bless!

  5. Great! Awesome! I love all these ideas! I’m quite certain I will use some of them. Thank you very much for sharing, and may God bless you richly as we all strive to get closer to Him.

  6. I love the Scripture journal idea will start it ASAP. Its been in my heart to do Scripture wall arts so will be doing that one soon as well. If you have any confessions that you make as a family or for your kids please share those. For a number of years I have been using a planner with scriptures at the bottom.

  7. I have the ESV Bible on my Kindle. It’s slim and easy to throw in my bag for work. I read it when I have a little bit of down time. I’m on a chronological reading plan this year, and I am way ahead just because a lot of clients have no-showed due to winter weather. I AM going to make it through the bible in 2015. I love Rachel’s check-off sheet! By me choosing to make reading the Bible a priority, my husband has followed suit. We want to work on memorizing scripture too. We both come from Christian families but with different traditions, so this is hard core progress for us. God is so good!

    1. Chel! Thank you for the idea- My husband got a kindle for me for Christmas. So I’m learning how to best use it and haven’t put a Bible on it yet. Making that a goal. 😉

  8. Love the Scripture journal idea! And, I definitely want to start carrying a Bible in my purse and/or car. I also love having the Jesus Calling app on my phone.

    1. We love the Jesus Calling devos and app at our house! Have a great Monday, Tonya!

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