Esther Who Stepped Up

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beautiful and brave estherWelcome to week 6 of Women in the Bible: Beautiful and Brave the series! Each week for 10 weeks on Whimsical Wednesday, we are studying the most beautiful and brave women in the Bible. At the end of this post, you will find the prior articles in the series. Be sure to check them out!

This week we are featuring “Esther who stepped up.” To begin, let’s take a peek at some interesting facts about the book of Esther:

  • The book of Esther is one of two books in the Bible named after women in the Bible; the other is Ruth.
  • The word “God” is never mentioned in the entire book of Esther.
  • The short and to-the-point book is only 10 chapters long.
  • Esther’s original name was Hadasseh, which means “myrtle.” The name “Esther” means “star.” I think we can safely agree that her name change was a good thing.

The historical time period of Esther takes place during the reign of the Medes and Persians. Esther is an orphan being raised by her uncle, Mordecai. We don’t know the reason Esther’s parents are no longer living, but the Bible is clear that Esther is very beautiful.

Word on the street quickly passes that the king is looking for a new queen and Esther is taken to stay at the house of concubines in the palace.  I believe that one little fact spelled out to us about Esther in chapter 2 verse 15 is a description of her actions that we can’t pass over lightly.

Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king’s chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her.

Esther the little orphan girl was grateful for everything she was given and she didn’t ask for a different dress or better shoes or more jewelry. She simply accepted what she was issued and everyone who saw her loved her.

A grateful heart is the most revealing beauty mark.


Esther takes her turn to go before the king after 12 months of living in the house of concubines and the king loves Esther. So much so, that he makes her the queen.

The most familiar piece of Esther’s story is the fact that she risked her own life to save her people by going before the king without invitation.If the king did not hold out his scepter to her in favor, then she would immediately be killed. Esther must have been completely afraid in this pivotal moment of risk, but her uncle’s advice no doubt echoed in her mind: “For such a time as this.”

Courage chooses to trust in God… AND his timing.


So here is the profile of Queen Esther, beautiful and brave.

  • Name: Esther (Hadasseh)
  • Occupation: Queen
  • Family background: orphan and niece to Mordecai
  • Daily life: royal responsibilities
  • Emotional baggage: none of which we are aware
  • Weaknesses: none outlined
  • Beauty secrets: beautifully undemanding and graciously submissive to authority
  • Acts of bravery: risked her life at a pivotal moment for the sake of her countrymen

Wouldn’t it be fun to have tea with Queen Esther?

Each week I want to highlight one of the posts linked up in the previous week. This week, my friend, Mary’s post at Passage Through Grace was the perfect linkup to highlight. In light of what we’ve learned about Esther today, check out what Mary says about bravery and courage.

new whimsical wed

Bloggers, I’m thrilled to have your 100% Christian encouragement  linkups this Whimsical Wednesday. If you have chosen to participate in the Women in the Bible series and link up your post, then I plan to choose and highlight one of your posts here on the blog next week.


Original Post: Women in the Bible: 5 of the most beautiful and brave

Introductory Post: Women in the Bible: Beautiful and Brave series

Week 1: Sarah Who Remembered God’s Promise

Week 2: Deborah Who Declared God’s Truth

Week 3: Hannah Who Poured Out Her Soul

Week 4: Ruth Who Dedicated Herself

Week 5: Mary Who Anointed the Lord

Week 6: Esther Who Stepped Up


  1. I love the story of Easter. The last few weeks my girls and I have been talking about learning to be Easter’s – Created for such a time as this. We are all created for this time in History, to cross paths with the people around us and to make an impact for Him. How easy it is to get distracted by all the stuff that needs to be done. How easy it is to forget that we were made for just a time as this.


  2. Eeek! You’re on week 6? Why am I just now seeing this, I have to catch up. This is wonderful,keep up the great work Rachel!

  3. I think one of the most fascinating things I learned from Esther recently was that she didn’t know what her destiny was until the moment she was called to fulfill it. That really spoke to me in such a profound way. Some people know their whole lives what they are called to do, and for others, God chooses to reveal it at the time they are called to step up and take action.

    1. love that, Rosilind! And I pinned your Lord’s Prayer cards to my prayer Pinterest board. Wonderful resource!

  4. Rachel-I am honored that you are highlighting my post about courage. The opportunities to be courageous are many and the choice to step across the line of fear does not happen very often until we reach for God to hold our hand as we walk in faith. This series on the women of the Bible has impacted me first by helping to add to my knowledge of these women and second because when reading the Bible these stories can easily be overlooked. Focusing on women when the voice of the men is most often heard is important to our overall understanding of the story of God and His son Jesus. Hope your day is blessed and our fear is but one step away from courage and the power to walk with God in all we do.

    1. Blessings to you, Friend. God definitely provides the courage- I agree. I’m such a wimp without him. 🙂 Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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