Replacing Negative Internal Chatter With Just Thoughts

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Hey there! Today is Whimsical Wednesday- our weekly blogger linkup day. Bloggers, thanks for linking up to provide our online community with encouraging Biblical posts!

Several weeks ago, the topic of “How to Stop Negative Internal Chatter” struck a chord with readers. As a result, Phil: 4:8 became our focus each Wednesday as we began to disect what Paul says we are supposed to be thinking on. This week we are learning how to replace negative internal chatter with “just” thoughts.

flowers of just

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

So what does the word “just” mean?

Most of us would probably think of the following words in comparison: justice, righteousness, and fairness.  All of those would be great choices of how our thoughts should line up against negativity. Wrong thoughts are not just. Negative thoughts are not just. No question about it.

When I studied this verse a bit further, the Greek definition for the word “just” in this particular verse means righteous. So we were all correct in our comparison above.

But the definition drew me in a bit more when I looked at the whole definition.

just- righteous, observing God’s laws

So many times, negative internal chatter stems from one little difference in the above definition.

We are focused on man’s laws and not God’s laws.

We think in terms of right and wrong according to our human minds.  This thought process can cause that tornado of negative internal chatter to begin to swirl like nothing else. We allow the comparison game to take hold… and I know you get what I’m talking about here.

I wish he would just do the right thing and stop ____________ (fill in the blank.)

She knows that is NOT what the Bible says. She really needs to get right with God.

Why aren’t my children behaving as well as theirs?

Focusing on the rules and regulations created by man can flip the switch of inside negative chatter. In order to stop negative internal chatter, we must stop focusing on what man says is right and wrong.

 But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. II Cor. 10:12

When Paul is telling us to think on “just” things, he is pointing us to a focal point of God’s laws- not man’s. And what are God’s laws?

When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandments, he boiled it down to two simple laws of God.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30

We can stop negative internal chatter when we simple love God and love others because this is true justice- observing God’s laws.

Does turning off negative internal chatter by focusing on God’s laws of love make sense to you? Do you ever play the comparison game in your mind and wind up in a tornado of negative internal chatter? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

Week 1: How to Stop Negative Internal Chatter

Week 2: Replacing Negative Internal Chatter with Thoughts of Truth

Week 3: Honorable Thoughts to Replace Negative Inside Chatter




PS: Yesterday I posted 5 Ways to Keep A Prayer Journal. I asked my facebook page is they wanted the ch@t prayer model graphic in printable bookmark form and there was a hearty “Amen!” So here it is! Click HERE to download a full printable page to share with others. Or right click on the graphic and “save as” to download one original.


Bloggers: Thanks for linking up!


  1. Yes and yes! Turning to God and His word in all situations is the way to truth. Spending time comparing myself, situation, or my stuff to what I perceive others to have is not productive. Your blog is timely because I discussed “comparing” with my small Bible study group last evening and also this same topic came up with my son and his girlfriend. Thank you for guiding us through practically a situation that touches all of our experiences.

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