Perfect Peace Bible Reading Summary Week 5
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Hooray! Friday is here and we’re all coming together to take a look at the Bible reading challenge summary for the week. When we get to the end of the month and begin a new topic like we did this week, then I believe it’s better to keep the summaries focused on one topic.
Today we’ll review what we read for the Perfect Peace Bible reading challenge through Tuesday, June 30th. Next Friday, you can expect to see the summary for the July Winning Over Worry Bible reading challenge. Make sense? Great! Let’s review the Perfect Peace Bible Reading Summary Week 5.
Psalm 119:161-168
When we take God at his word, we can have great peace. Not ok peace. Not mediocre peace. Not good peace. Great peace.
James 3:10-18
This chapter of James seems like the Proverbs of the New Testament. What is wisdom? Where do we get it from? In this portion of the chapter, James tells us that wisdom is peaceable. In other words, enabling peace. This passage is full of thought-provoking verses!
Romans 8:1-6
The verse in this section that captured my attention is verse 6:
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
To set our minds is a purposeful action. “To set” tells me that this is a choice I make. Over what others may think. Over my own emotions. Choosing to yield my heart and mind to the Holy Spirit brings peace. But I have to make the choice.
Why do we fail to yield ourselves to the Giver of peace when we are such seekers of peace? I’d love to read your thoughts on this.
Proverbs 16:1-7
I have a tendency to complicate peace. Do you? When we boil it down, peace with our enemies is attainable. It’s doable. It’s simple obedience to God.

John 16:21-33
It’s interesting to me that John ended his gospel with these words. When peace seems lost, this promise from Jesus grounds my frantic heart like nothing else can:
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
If this is your first time here, I’ve recently started to try Bible art journaling. Forgive me for the mistakes and just allow my messes to inspire you to meditate more on God’s Word. I’m learning- both about art and the Bible!
Which passage spoke to your heart the most this week?
Have a fabulous Friday!
For more on Perfect Peace:
Download the Perfect Peace Bible reading plan.
Check out the week 1 Perfect Peace topical summary.
Enjoy week 2 Perfect Peace reading summary.
Find week 3 Perfect Peace reading summary here.
Discover the week 4 Perfect Peace reading summary here.
Have loved this month of peace!!!! Thank you!