Need a Miracle?

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The salt and pepper hair had faded and silver strands coiled in their places.  Once straight and tall, their frames had begun to curve uncomfortably.

Old age was “setting in.”

And while that wasn’t so bad really, after all, their lives had been full…yet something was missing.   Something BIG was missing.

The void in their hearts would only be filled by the presence of a baby.

Their own son, born of the sacred matrimony between the couple.

Years upon years had passed.

God had promised a seed; the beginning of a covenant promise.

The beginning to a heritage like none other.

But no return.  Years of waiting, years of yearning, of praying.

But no son.

Then, finally, the day came and God’s promise was fulfilled!

Sarah had conceived. Abraham was on his way to becoming the proud father of the promised one.  What a miracle! God had given their son to them…in spite of old age. In spite of their bodies’ natural process. In love, He gave to them, just as He promised.

Yes, their miracle had arrived in the form of conception at an inconceivable age.

But that was just the beginning of the miracle.  

Sarah had to carry this baby and deliver this baby.

Think of the miracles God performed for this sweet baby to be carried and delivered!  Imagine the transformation to which Sarah’s body had to succumb, in order to successfully deliver this child.

There was no high-risk OB doc.

No level II ultrasound.

No prenatal vitamins or bed rest order.

I believe that God performed an even bigger miracle than the conception of Isaac; He carried Sarah’s body through 40 weeks and provided the ability to deliver a healthy baby boy.

God provided more than the miracle of conception.

He provided the miracle of continuation.

Need a miracle? He still performs miracles today.

But I’m asking you to take a look at the type of miracle you think you need.

Maybe what you need is not a miracle of conception.

Maybe you need the miracle of continuation.


  1. Rachel,
    Great place you have here. So glad I clicked over from (in)courage. Can’t wait to read more of your words!

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