Bible Reading Challenge Check-In

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Hey there Bible Challenge readers! Monday has arrived in all of her glory. 😉 I hope you are facing the week with a sense of His presence. How is your Bible Reading going? Are you staying with it? A little behind? A lot behind? I love how you helped each other out last week in the comments!! One of the mentions was to use the audio feature on the Bible online sites, like Bible Gateway or Blue Letter Bible for listening while driving or washing dishes, etc. I’m closer to being caught up than I was last week, but I’m still behind. However, the point of the challenge is to keep us in God’s Word, learning and growing each day.

Can’t wait to hear from you today! Have a marvelous Monday!



  1. Brenda Thomas says:

    I recently stumbled upon Rachel’s website and the M’Cheynne Daily Bible reading and I’m not sure how to get started. I jumped on board last week, but would love to be a part of the challenge. Any suggestions?


    1. sure, Brenda! We’d love to have you join us. We do use the MCheyne reading plan. Here is the original link to the beginning of the challenge, but you are welcome to join in at any time! You can find the reading on the website each day, print the schedule or use a Bible app. My favorite happens to be the Olive Tree Bible Study app, but you are welcome to use what works for you. 🙂 Happy to have you!

      1. Brenda Thomas says:

        Thanks, Rachel! Happy to be hear.

  2. I’m behind due to a lot of “medical mayhem” going on lately; but I hope to get caught up soon ~ so happy to see the encouragement given to others in the comments; what a blessing to have “cheer leaders” among our sisters-in-Christ!

  3. Everyone is doing awesome, so happy for everyone!! I’m doing well too, still on track. This past week was a little rougher for some reason, I did get behind a bit but I’m fully caught up.

  4. I’m on track and grateful. I’m very thankful for Rachel and this wonderful group. I love the comments. God is amazing!

  5. Still on track & so grateful for the structure of the reading plan. It’s the one thing I’ve been able to be faithful & consistent in.

  6. Heather P says:

    Still on track! I make sure I read my Bible before I ready any devotional material or prayer requests. I also make sure I get a shower to wake me up before I read, especially on days we are in school.
    Spring Break this week, so it will look different. Have a great day and week, everyone!

  7. I’m a couple days behind and have been for about a week. I keep reminding myself that I am making imperfect progress. I have read more of the Bible this year than I will ever have before.

    Good luck this week, ladies!

  8. Linda in Maryville says:

    I am on target. After getting behind a few weeks ago, I found it easier to just read the daily reading. I do like the suggestions of having it read out loud. Maybe I will try that this week to see how it works. Ladies, keep plugging along and reading as much as you can. Life is busy and hectic, but reading the word keeps one focused! God Bless you all.

  9. Hello all! I’m not quite where the plan says I should be but I am staying strong because the time in God’s Word truly centers me as I start each day. Praying for all that we find the time to “be still” and listen for God’s whispers and spend time in His Word. Blessings to all!

  10. Linda from australia says:

    seems to be getting harder

  11. This past week was difficult for me to stay on target…so I have been behind twice and JUST now caught up again…about a month ago, I read ahead 1day to give me a little “buffer zone” so I am excited to be on day 70 tomorrow! Way to hang in there everyone! Thanks for the encouragement and support-

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