An Open Door…

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My sweet baby, Tarah, is growing so quickly.  Here is a picture of her in the first pigtail hairdo.  Who can’t resist?  That has nothing to do with this post, but she’s just so cute!

Recently she began noticing cause and effect on different levels. When I push the garage door button, she lifts her precious little face all the way up to look at the huge door opening. She then breaks into the cutest smile when she sees the outdoors, especially when the sun is shining brightly. I love the way her eyes sparkle even before the door opens. She looks forward to that door opening in eager anticipation.

If I adore my sweet baby’s response to this little process, just think about how much our Heavenly Father receives undeniable pleasure in watching His children. Imagine what He  sees when His eager child is ready for a door to be opened.

When that door begins to reveal the next horizon.

When that opportunity is ready for the taking and His child just can’t wait to walk through it and seize the work available.

Paul discusses this topic in I Corinthians 16: 9

because a great door for effective work has opened to me…

Open mind? Check.

Willing spirit? Check.

Prepared heart? Check.

Ready for an open door. Are you?

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