A Prayer for One More Step

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Dear Father,  It seems that everything in this world Is going wrong. My heart is crushed from hurts And my soul is heavy with burdens...

A Prayer for One More Step

Dear Father,

It seems that everything in this world
Is going wrong.
My heart is crushed from hurts
And my soul is heavy with burdens.
You’ve promised rest when I come to you;
So I’ve determined to come to you.
Your word defeats discouragement;
Your truth defies despair.
Would you provide the rest you’ve promised?
Would you infuse the strength only you possess?
For when your spirit breathes through me
Then I am empowered
To overcome the overwhelming;
And I can lift my weary foot
To take one more step.
Thank you, Jesus.

a prayer for one more step

One More Step is not just a book title. It’s not a catchy hashtag. It’s not some feel-good phrase to get you through a bad cup of coffee.

One More Step is a message of hope and strength and courage. It’s a way of doing life, walking his path, following his lead, and relying on Jesus for each step of every day, whether you are in the midst of trials, just passed some difficult life tests, or looking toward the journey ahead. It’s a way of learning to trust God not only with our eternal salvation, but also our everyday solutions. It’s the way to discover how to keep going, if or when everything is going wrong. My prayer is that you will read it and experience change.

By his grace,

You can purchase the book here.


  1. Raquel, God bless you. No hablo ingles pero lo entiendo. Please pray for my grandson Marcos Jose, he is very depress. He has 23 years and feel lonely, sad y vacio en su corazon. And pray forme too. Thank you in Jesus name. AMEN. Dios te bendiga siempre.

  2. Thank you for this prayer It so accurately & eloquently says what my heart feels. Thank you for allowing God to work through you to encourage me & so many others God bless!

  3. Thank you for sharing your story Rachel. It is a blessing. I sit here counting my blessings and thinking on truth. My beautiful home will be auctioned off soon, my bank account is empty, I am almost 50, I cannot find work, the holidays are here, and my husband and I have no place to go.

    We are right where the Father wants us. He has a plan and a purpose for all of our lives. My doubts and insecurities draw us nearer to him than I never thought imaginable. I stand in awe at his love for us and I know that through him, all things are possible!

  4. Rachel, things are so sad right now. I really wished I could talk to you. I really am so anxious. My sister is trying to help our mom live, but mom is really in a bad way. I am so thank ful that my sister is smart and my mom wanted her to make the decisions, but Mom is suffering to me. I pray for God to not to let her suffer but for over 3 weeks it’s been suffering. All the tubes are keeping her alive. Maybe they need to keep working and she will get better but she is really sick. My family is really desperate to know the right thing to do.

    1. Prayers going up for you right now, sweet Mae. Jesus, please be with this family as they travel this journey. Give them wisdom and guidance, we pray. Amen.

      1. I want to thank you for the prayers. Mom is still in such bad shape. The new doctor came in and he is giving her IV and then he is going to give her something so she won’t feel so sick and an appetite stimulant. He thinks she has had a stroke, my sister does not believe that at all. She says Mom can talk. I just keep praying for mercy. BUT I just feel like mercy is far from mom. I pray for God to be with Mom, to be more powerful than all this stuff. When it is time, I pray Mom can rest peacefully.

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