11 Ways to Encourage Yourself

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ways to encourage yourself

Having friends who send a note of encouragement or text or call to let you know they are thinking of  you is wonderful. I strongly believe in the power of Christian friendship. But I often receive emails, messages, or comments from Christians who are lonely and really have no friends.   Or at least no close friends.

Sometimes a person has to be the one to dig deep and find their own encouragement. It’s not easy but personally, I’ve found myself there at times over the years. Today I thought I would share ways to encourage yourself as a Christian. Some of the recommendations are straightforward and common, while others are a little more creative. Regardless, my hope is that you will get an idea or two on how you can encourage yourself as a Christian when you feel discouragement kicking in.

1. Read the Bible.

There is nothing like reading God’s Word to lift your spirits. If you are looking for a daily Bible reading plan, you can find suggestions here. If you need assistance for topical lists of verses, check out the List of Bible Verses by Topic .

2. Pray.

I know, it seems straightforward, doesn’t it? But admitting to God your struggle and asking Him to lift your spirit will yield incredible results. You never know how He will answer! I love God-surprises.

3. Attend church.

Sunday after my run, I tweeted:

4. Join a Bible study.

Find a local church Bible study or a community Bible study or an online Bible study. The method doesn’t matter; the Word and finding fellowship with others will encourage your heart.

5. Make a list of blessings for which you are thankful.

If you’ve never done this, perhaps the JOY Journal method can assist you.

6. Surround yourself with Scripture.

Post-it notes are great! Click here to find a fabulous list of 7 Creative Ways to Saturate Your Life with Scripture for a few more ideas.

7. Play praise music.

There is nothing that will lift your spirit like praise music! This list of praise songs is one I love to use to begin the day.

8. Exercise.

I first began running races because I was inspired by my husband. He was reaping so many rewards from the sport that I didn’t want to sit by on the sidelines- I wanted to be a part. Maybe running is not your thing. Take a brisk walk, shoot some hoops, or join a gym.

9. Read notes of encouragement from the past.

My mom is in Heaven, but I often go back and read the letters she sent to me while I was in college. My heart is always encouraged when I do.

10. Do something to encourage someone else.

Every time I’ve reached out with extra effort to encourage someone else then I’ve been the one who has reaped encouragement.

11. Have a great sense of humor; find something to laugh about.

I’m guessing you may have a little routine you travel when you find yourself slipping into discouragement.  If it’s a tub of ice cream and chocolate stash, then that one- we’ve all been through. 😉 But would you share it with us in the comments?

new whimsical wed

Bloggers, I’m thrilled you are joining our weekly Whimsical Wednesday link-up party! I can’t wait to check out your posts; thank you for sharing 100% Christian encouragement with our community each week.

Have a great day!



  1. Love your list Rachel. It’s simple and practical, yet things we forget to do when feeling down.

    I shared your article with my followers on Facebook.com/ARenewedLife.

    Another tactic I suggest to my clients is simply going outside for 10-15 minutes and enjoying God’s creation.

  2. I love this. Sometimes these are the things that get bumped when I am in most desperate need of courage.

  3. I do have a routine I travel when I get discouraged, and it looks something like this:

    Pull hair up on top of my head in a scrunchie.
    Do not brush teeth or wash face. (After all, that would imply that I’m ready to face the day!)
    Stay in jammies. (See above *face the day* comment – LOL!)
    Crawl up under a blanket.
    Read book after book after book…

    Unfortunately, I have the time to do this for days. I always know I’m in the valley, but those books keep me thinking I’m active?! I love your list – I’m especially challenged by adding exercise. I’m sure it will make me feel better quickly. Do you think I can jog in my jammies?! 🙂


    1. I go straight from pajamas to workout clothes many days just to remind myself I’ve got to do it! lol One day this winter I was a bit late in heading to the treadmill and my 4 yr old says: Mom, aren’t you going to work out today? Then my 2 yr old pipes in: Yeah, mama. Nothing like having two baby girls as your workout accountability partners! lol

  4. Thank you for this post I’m one of the ones who has mentioned that I do not have a friend to call upon and I appreciate these helpful words.

  5. Many opportunities come with each new day filled with God’s new mercies and compassions! Thanks for some old and new thoughts and ideas! God bless!

  6. You’ve got a great list here, Rachel. I love all of them.The tragedy is that many might say these things are obvious and go on their way–dismissing them or avoiding doing them because they think finding encouragement is more complex. These are the kinds of practices that bless only those who are wise enough to commit themselves to them, and the ones who don’t will continue to feel encouragement is elusive. Sad but true. But I’m grateful that you’ve shared and I join you in finding encouragement through each one!

  7. This is such a great reminder and I loved that you added running! I too love to run for space and time to reflect, pray and intercede. I love to pray for friends as I run by their houses. You’r blog is so incredibly encouraging! I’ve shared in the link-up from sittinginthepew.wordpress.com. x

    1. Thanks for linking up, Jenny! Yes, yes. Running is time with God. 🙂 Blessings to you!

  8. Thank you for sharing this! I pinned this list to keep as a reference for those times when I need a little encouragement. They sound simple, but we all really do need reminding sometimes.

    1. Thanks Cat! Yep, sometimes the most obvious is the hardest to do. 🙂 Blessings to you today!

  9. Rachel – these ideas are perfect! Something I have told myself for years and that I have then passed onto my sons is to “change your focus” on those days that you are struggling. All that means is choosing something such as one of your ideas from above to reset your mind and your body to be able to move forward out of the place where you are currently feeling overwhelmed. I have tried many of the above but exercise, music and encouraging someone else have been most effective. I so appreciate you and your practical ideas. Thank you for the link up and have a happy Wednesday!

    1. Just taking the first step to begin one of the points is the toughest- don’t you think? Sometimes it’s more fun to sulk, in a weird way. Thanks for being such a great encouragement on so many levels, Mary!

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