Trusting God in the Dark

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Welcome to the Trusting God in the Dark Bible Reading Plan & Prayer Journal!

If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the LORD and rely on your God. Isaiah 50:10b

Are you struggling to trust God because you can’t see Him in the darkness? Ever wish you could see what God is doing in a situation? Or find that you’re straining to see light at the end of the tunnel? I think every person on the planet has felt that way at some time. Over the years, I’ve heard many illustrations and definitions about trusting God. Maybe you have too. I remember a pastor who explained that he can say all day that he believes a particular chair will hold him up, but until he actually sits down on it, he isn’t exhibiting that he trusts that chair.

Honestly, I would take that illustration a couple more steps. I would say that true trust is not just sitting on the chair but standing on the chair. And I would even take it a step further to say that if you stand on the chair and the lights go out while you remain standing? Now, that’s genuinely trusting!

What does trusting God look like?

You see, trusting God usually means we can’t see the work He is doing on our behalf. From our human perspective, darkness has saturated our circumstances. Whether discouragement, despair, disease, or death, we struggle to view what lies ahead, and even when we look up, there is no light to be found.

I have always shared God’s Word with you from my own experiences. I wish I could share with you that I’ve mastered this topic and that’s why I’ve written the Trusting God in the Dark Bible Reading Plan & Prayer Journal. But the truth is that I’m still learning how to trust God in all situations. During the next 31 days of walking through the Scripture, I’m walking alongside you on the growth curve!

So here we go. Let’s take a peek at David, Daniel, and many others who serve as our examples of learning to trust God in all things- especially the dark.

Trusting God in the Dark

INTRODUCTION to the Challenge

Each month I host a monthly Bible reading plan and journal challenge to help our community enjoy reading God’s Word together and encourage our hearts to be faithful to Him.  Together, we have completed over 35 Bible reading plans, including both annual and monthly reading challenges. I’ve developed all sorts of strategies to help us read God’s word faithfully and there is nothing like this monthly system we are working through together.

Many readers have requested that I list our monthly resource at the beginning of this announcement post because you already know you want it and don’t need the details. So here you are! This month’s journal is available for purchase as a digital download.



Check out all the details below!

Trusting God in the Dark Bible Reading Plan & Prayer Journal


  1. Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the passage. Share what you are learning on social media if you’d like. My goal is to draw closer to Jesus and I want that for you too! This month the hashtags are: #trustinggodinthedark #biblereadingplan #prayerjournal
  2. Recommended: Journal your thoughts and prayers using the Trusting God in the Dark Bible Reading Plan & Prayer Journal . This simple guide will help you stay focused and accountable. It will also leave a legacy for you to enjoy in the future!
  3. Optional: Join the Facebook group to see what others are learning and sharing. Enjoy our prayer community in the group as we pray for one another’s needs. Be in the know with bonus material such as practical tips, tools, and resources Rachel shares, Facebook live videos, and recently added focused music playlists based on the monthly Bible reading challenge topic.

Trusting God in the Dark Bible Reading Plan Printable

Trusting God in the Dark BIBLE READING PLAN

1. Isaiah 50:10

2. Daniel 6:1-9

3. Daniel 6:10-24

4. Proverbs 3:1-8

5. Psalm 22:1-11

6. Psalm 62:1-12

7. Psalm 37:1-9

8. Psalm 31:14-20

9. 2 Kings 18:1-8

10. Psalm 118:1-14

11. Isaiah 26:1-8

12. Psalm 115:1-9

13. Psalm 115:10-18

14. Psalm 40:1-8

15. Psalm 25:1-7

16. Psalm 112:1-10

17. Psalm 143:1-12

18. Proverbs 16:20

19. Psalm 84:1-12

20. Psalm 119:41-48

21. Jeremiah 17:5-8

22. Psalm 9:1-10

23. Psalm 31:11-18

24. 2 Chronicles 5:18-22

25. Psalm 52:1-9

26. Psalm 78:1-8

27. Psalm 86:1-7

28. Psalm 125:1-5

29. Psalm 44:1-8

30. Isaiah 12:1-6

31. Psalm 20:1-9

Download your book and screenshot the graphic to your smartphone to mark it as a favorite for easy daily digital access. You could also use a simple printable copy of the daily reading plan. Click on the graphic titles above or HERE to print out a copy of the Bible reading plan printable. Share one with a friend!

Ready? We’ll begin February 1st, just as we do each month!

By his grace,



  1. Is there any other platform I. An use besides Facebook to join the monthly Bible reading. I am not on Facebook but would love to follow along if possible by some other source.

    1. Anna Marie Jones says:

      I dislike Facebook. I wish she would go to Band appt this appt is so easy to use for bible study groups. I do serveral bible studies on Band.

    2. Hello! The Facebook group is the only group channel we are using right now, but we can certainly consider other options for the future! If you download the plan, you’ll can easily follow along on your own each day. Many blessings!

  2. Jim Wilson says:

    Putting yourself in God’s hands everyday , you are putting your faith , confidence and trust in Him to get you through every circumstance, trusting Him with all your heart that He will give you wisdom to deal with all your situations, trusting God to direct your steps.

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