Rest for the Weary Bible Reading Challenge

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Rest for the Weary Soul

Life can make a person weary. I know I’m not alone in that reflection.

The curve-balls, the ups and downs, the mountain peaks and the valley lows– they all wear us down.

So how do we combat spiritual and mental fatigue? How does one maintain a rhythm that preserves and sustains through the highs and lows?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28

“Rest for the Weary” is more than a challenge.

It’s an invitation to re-think the way we live amidst everyday issues. It’s a call to build a cadence of calmness no matter the chaos. It’s a signal that stillness isn’t a waste; it’s a time to build strength.

Won’t you join me in establishing contentment through a purposeful pattern of choosing the humility and gentleness of Jesus?

Rest for the Weary Bible Reading Challenge


Each month I host a monthly Bible reading plan and journal challenge to help our community enjoy reading God’s Word together and encourage our hearts to be faithful to Him.  Together, we have completed over 35 Bible reading plans, including both annual and monthly reading challenges. I’ve developed all sorts of strategies to help us read God’s word faithfully and there is nothing like this monthly system we are working through together.




  1. Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the passage. Share what you are learning on social media if you’d like. My goal is to draw closer to Jesus and I want that for you too! This month the hashtags are: #restfortheweary #biblereadingplan
  2. Recommended: Journal your thoughts and prayers using the Rest for the Weary Bible Reading Plan & Journal This simple guide will help you stay focused and accountable. It will also leave a legacy for you to enjoy in the future!
  3. Optional: Join the Facebook group to see what others are learning and sharing. Enjoy our prayer community in the group as we pray for one another’s needs. Be in the know with bonus material such as practical tips, tools, and resources Rachel shares, Facebook live videos, and recently added focused music playlists based on the monthly Bible reading challenge topic.

Rest for the Weary Bible Reading Printable

Rest for the Weary Bible Reading Plan

1. Matthew 11:25-30

2. Mark 6:30-32

3. Exodus 33:12-21

4. Isaiah 40:28-31

5. Galatians 6:7-9

6. Genesis 2:1-3

7. Hebrews 4:1-11

8: Leviticus 25:1-7

9. Matthew 8:23-27

10. Jeremiah 31:21-28

11. Psalm 55:1-11

12. Psalm 55:12-23

13. Psalm 4:1-8

14. Psalm 46:1-10

15. Jeremiah 6:16

16. Proverbs 19:21-23

17. Psalm 116:1-7

18. Proverbs 3:21-26

19. Psalm 127:1-2

20. Psalm 3:1-8

21. Proverbs 1:28-33

22. Psalm 107:28-32

23. Psalm 62:1-8

24. Psalm 37:7

25. 1 John 3:18-21

26. Exodus 17:8-15

27. Hebrews 12:1-3

28. Romans 12:1-2

29. 2 Kings 8:54-61

30. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

31. Psalm 23

Download your book and screenshot the graphic to your smartphone to mark it as a favorite for easy daily digital access. You could also use a simple printable copy of the daily reading plan. Click  HERE to receive a pdf of the Bible reading printable Share one with a friend!

Ready? We’ll begin June 1st, just as we do each month!

By his grace,


Don’t forget to order your book to print at home or for digital use NOW!

One Comment

  1. Rachel, thank you for this month Bible Reading. A lot is going on in life at the moment.
    I have that mental fog and the spiritual weariness.


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