A Prayer of Love to God

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Based on 1 Corinthians 13

What would happen if you wrote a love letter to God each day for a month? This was the question in my head and on my heart several weeks ago. I can hardly believe that today is the last day of the True Love Bible reading challenge. In this month’s Bible reading plan and journal, I aspired to write a love letter to God each day and many of you joined me. I think it was more difficult at the beginning than I thought it would be.

I’m guessing it was for you as well, since the first day I received several emails asking “How do I write a love letter to God?” My response was that we do it the same way we would for another loved one. We tell God what we love about him, why we love him, and how we love him. We describe our love for him and thank him for loving us.  I wish I could tell you I was faithful every single day of the month, except I failed. But oh how the Lord has shown his love to me in a greater, closer way. Even in my failure, he whispers “Daughter of mine, it is not for your success that I love you. My deep love for you extends beyond your abilities. And I am faithful to you. My love will never leave you. You are mine.”

My sister tells me that she feels like the Bible reading plans and journals are for her- a non-writer. Because she finds the prompts and amount of space to journal to be just enough to keep her focused and accountable to God’s Word, without feeling pressured to sit and stare at a blank sheet of paper. This is one of the reasons I write prayers to God and share them with you. And so I bring to you this prayer of love to God. Feel free to claim it as your own to him, lifting him up in praise and adoration.

A Prayer of Love to God

Dear God,

If I could speak every language in the world,
but missed the language of your love,
the music of my life would be
nothing but noise.
If I could speak the future,
and knew every secret of your perfect plan
and even possessed a colossal knowledge,
but failed to love others,
my life accounting would equal zero.
If I sacrificed all my time, my resources, and my body,
I could hold bragging rights,
but it would be a total loss without love.
You are love. You are patient and kind.
You have removed my sins
as far as the east is from the west.
God, your love never gives up on me
and endures through every circumstance.
You love me with an everlasting love.
I can’t wrap my head around your enormous love,
but I trust you in it.
Thank you for being the greatest of everything.
Thank you for being love.
Based on 1 Corinthians 13

A prayer of love to God based on 1 Corinthians 13

Much love in Christ,



Free Printable Bible Reading Plan

True Love: Embracing the Father’s Affection Bible reading plan and journal

5 Benefits of Writing a Love Letter to God


  1. Thank you for your article on soul “hygee.” It was an answer to my prayer this morning, as I’ve been feeling a tug from God to “make a room” for him in my life. I prayed to know how I should begin, and now I know this should be my starting point. Your description of coziness perfectly matched the image I had in my mind. Now I know how to apply it. Blessings to you!

    1. So special. I love it when our thoughts are confirmed by him through others! Thanks for dropping by to share and be a blessing to me!

  2. Lillian Kiberu says:

    Dear Rachel, Thank you for sharing your letter with us. For the past two weeks I have been writing to God mostly telling Him about my day and the events that have occurred within the day. I have gone ahead to place my requests in the letters so that when I receive an answer I will have written proof in my journal to share my testimonies with others. Thank you for introducing me to this. I feel better when I express my feelings to God. Thank You. Lillian Kiberu from Uganda .

    1. so beautiful, Lillian. Thank you for sharing with us!! Blessings.

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