Praise Him Anyway Bible Reading Plan

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Life brings new challenges for everyone. Most changes feel daunting and unwanted. Our nation, and the whole world, is navigating uncharted territory. Many folks, even Christians, feel isolated and lonely. It’s a wild world, and parents often feel inadequate. Children are experiencing modern phenomena and issues that have escalated anxiety to previously unknown heights.

For many years, my husband, family, and I have walked the road of suffering and grief in the disease and loss of our precious girl, Taylor. The beauty of sorrow is that it does foster growth of some kind. Most of us get to choose the area in which we grow, whether negative or positive. I often tell folks that the burden of deep grief and loss doesn’t get any easier, but you can get stronger.

We also continue to navigate life with our 4 adult children and 2 teenagers (Our baby is now a teenager; no littles remain in the house!) I wish I could tell you it’s all a piece of cake. But you know it’s not, no matter your stage of life, challenges exist in this fallen world.

You may be asking the deepest of questions right now.

  • How do I praise God when suffering surrounds me?
  • How do I praise God when my life is condensed to four walls and the days repeat without varying?

If you are asking those questions, then this Bible reading plan is for you!

Throughout the years, I’ve discovered one of the strongest weapons in a Christian’s arsenal: Praise God Anyway.


Each month I host a monthly Bible reading plan and journal challenge to help our community enjoy reading God’s Word together and encourage our hearts to be faithful to Him.  Together, we have completed over 35 Bible reading plans, including both annual and monthly reading challenges. I’ve developed all sorts of strategies to help us read God’s word faithfully and there is nothing like this monthly system we are working through together.


Many readers have requested that I list our monthly resource at the beginning of this announcement post because you already know you want it and don’t need the details. So here you are! This month’s journal is available as a digital download.

Check out all the details below!


In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are stripped, beaten, and bound in prison.   The prison keeper has been charged to keep them safely so he binds their feet in stocks.  In spite of all they have endured, their bodies wrecked and their hearts ravaged, at midnight, Paul and Silas decide it is high time for a praise and worship session. They pray and sing praises to God. Suddenly an earthquake shakes the foundation of the prison, opening all the doors and breaking all the prisoners’ bands! That’s what praising God does! Praising God breaks strongholds.

I want to learn how to praise him anyway. Not only for what he does, but for who he is. For his promises. For his mercy and grace. For his presence in the midst of storms. The list of reasons to praise is endless! So this month’s Bible reading challenge focus? Praise Him Anyway!


  1. Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the passage. Share what you are learning on social media if you’d like. My goal is to draw closer to Jesus and I want that for you too! This month the hashtags are: #praisehimanyway #biblereadingplan
  2. Recommended: Journal your thoughts and prayers using the Praise Him Anyway Journal This simple guide will help you stay focused and accountable. It will also leave a legacy for you to enjoy in the future!
  3. Optional: Join the Facebook group to see what others are learning and sharing. Enjoy our prayer community in the group as we pray for one another’s needs. Be in the know with bonus material such as practical tips, tools, and resources Rachel shares, Facebook live videos, and recently added focused music playlists based on the monthly Bible reading challenge topic.


  1. Acts. 16:16-40
  2. Psalm 30:1-12
  3. Deuteronomy 10:12-22
  4. Psalm 76:1-12
  5. 2 Chronicles 5:1-14
  6. Psalm 40:1-5
  7. Psalm 63:1-11
  8. Luke 1:39-56
  9. Psalm 148:1-6
  10. Psalm 148:7-14
  11. Psalm 147:1-11
  12. Psalm 147:12-20
  13. Psalm 34:1-7
  14. Psalm 42:1-11
  15. Psalm 71:1-8
  16. Psalm 71:9-16
  17. Psalm 47:1-9
  18. Ephesians 5:15-20
  19. Psalm 95:1-7
  20. Psalm 8:1-9
  21. Psalm 103:1-10
  22. Psalm 103:11-22
  23. Psalm 100:1-5
  24. Psalm 111:1-10
  25. Psalm 65:1-7
  26. Psalm 65:8-13
  27. Psalm 145:1-8
  28. Psalm 145:9-21
  29. Psalm 146:1-10
  30. Isaiah 63:7-14
  31. Psalm 150:1-6

Order your digital download  and screenshot the graphic to your smartphone to mark it as a favorite for easy daily digital access. You could also use a simple printable copy of the daily reading plan. Click on the graphic titles above or HERE to get the free Bible reading plan and the digital journal sampler.

Ready? We’ll begin May 1st, just as we do each month!

By his grace,



    1. Hi Lorena! Great question. This journal is not yet available in paperback form. But thank you for asking, as this lets us know how we can better serve you! Blessings!

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