Names of God Bible Reading Summary Week 1

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What a wonderful Bible reading plan we have enjoyed together so far! I don't know about you, but each day has seemed to be exactly what I have needed to remember. Let's check out the summary of what we've learned so far in the Names of God Bible reading summary week 1.

What a wonderful Bible reading plan we have enjoyed together so far! I don’t know about you, but each day has seemed to be exactly what I have needed to remember. Let’s check out the summary of what we’ve learned so far in the Names of God Bible reading summary week 1.

Genesis 16:7-13 El-Roi: The God who sees me

Hagar was a slave on the run from her owner. She longed to get away from it all and figured this move would end it all. But God saw her. And her entire life was already in his hands, she simply recognized it. I don't know what circumstances are in your life making you want to run. Whether you are running from someone or running to something you shouldn't be or running away from God, he sees you. He longs to meet your deepest needs, but you must open your eyes to see that HE sees you. No matter how small and insignificant you feel, no matter how much notice you're given by the world, your God has purpose for you and has his loving eye on you. "As long as you are breathing, life has meaning." #onemorestep Day 1 for this month's reading challenge!#namesofGod

Hagar was a slave on the run from her owner. She longed to get away from it all and figured this move would end it all. But God saw her. And her entire life was already in his hands, she simply recognized it. I don’t know what circumstances are in your life making you want to run. Whether you are running from someone or running to something you shouldn’t be or running away from God, he sees you. He longs to meet your deepest needs, but you must open your eyes to see that HE sees you. No matter how small and insignificant you feel, no matter how much notice you’re given by the world, your God has purpose for you and has his loving eye on you. “As long as you are breathing, life has meaning.” #onemorestep Day 1 for this month’s reading challenge!#namesofGod

Exodus 15:22-27 Jehovah-Rapha: My Healer

The children of Israel were in desperate need of water. When they finally reached it, the water was bitter and not good to drink. The Lord had delivered them from the hand of the Egyptians, but this lesson at the water fountain was something special God wanted to teach his people. Not only did he deliver them from 40 years of slavery, but he delivered them from the diseases of that slavery, as long as they obeyed him. The most bitter issue in your life cannot overpower God's love and work in your life when you are walking in obedience with him. No relationship, no depression, no addiction, no brokenness is so bitter that the Healer cannot make it sweet again. What a thought to make it a fab Friday!! Day 2 #namesofGod#biblereading

The children of Israel were in desperate need of water. When they finally reached it, the water was bitter and not good to drink. The Lord had delivered them from the hand of the Egyptians, but this lesson at the water fountain was something special God wanted to teach his people. Not only did he deliver them from 40 years of slavery, but he delivered them from the diseases of that slavery, as long as they obeyed him. The most bitter issue in your life cannot overpower God’s love and work in your life when you are walking in obedience with him. No relationship, no depression, no addiction, no brokenness is so bitter that the Healer cannot make it sweet again. What a thought to make it a fab Friday!! Day 2 #namesofGod#biblereading

1 Timothy 6:13-21 Jehovah-Jireh: My Provider

Paul encourages Timothy to keep the faith and he furthers the charge to those who are wealthy. "Charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy." If you've heard me speak, you may have heard a story I tell often- the diaper story. It's a personal story of how God met our family's needs in ways above our understanding. He is our provider. The King of kings and Lord of lords who is also the Servant, providing for his people. What a concept to meditate on this Saturday! Make it a good one! Day 3 #namesofGod#biblereading

Paul encourages Timothy to keep the faith and he furthers the charge to those who are wealthy. “Charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” If you’ve heard me speak, you may have heard a story I tell often- the diaper story. It’s a personal story of how God met our family’s needs in ways above our understanding. He is our provider. The King of kings and Lord of lords who is also the Servant, providing for his people. What a concept to meditate on this Saturday! Make it a good one! Day 3 #namesofGod#biblereading

Jeremiah 23:16-24 Jehovah-Shammah: God is already there

The prophet Jeremiah is passing on the word of the Lord to the people. And God asks: "Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?" There is no place so dark that God can't see you there. No pit so deep, no despair so heavy, no fog so thick. He sees you because he is already there. The next time you feel like God is far away, remember that is only your feeling. "I stopped asking: God, where are you in all this? And I started asking: Lord, will you reveal yourself to me?" Day 4#onemorestep #namesofGod#biblereading

The prophet Jeremiah is passing on the word of the Lord to the people. And God asks: “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?” There is no place so dark that God can’t see you there. No pit so deep, no despair so heavy, no fog so thick. He sees you because he is already there. The next time you feel like God is far away, remember that is only your feeling. “I stopped asking: God, where are you in all this? And I started asking: Lord, will you reveal yourself to me?” Day 4#onemorestep #namesofGod#biblereading

Psalm 18:1-6 El-Sali: God of my strength

The introduction to this Psalm explains the purpose behind it. David sang to his God because he had been delivered from his enemies. In this moment, he knows that he didn't conquer in his own strength. That battle you're facing? Through him, you've got it. The battle is the Lord's and he has already won! So go forward in his strength this Monday! #namesofGod#biblereading

The introduction to this Psalm explains the purpose behind it. David sang to his God because he had been delivered from his enemies. In this moment, he knows that he didn’t conquer in his own strength. That battle you’re facing? Through him, you’ve got it. The battle is the Lord’s and he has already won! So go forward in his strength this Monday! #namesofGod#biblereading


Clearly I need to work on steadiness. But I do enjoy learning!#handletteringpractice


Romans 16:20-27 Jehovah-Shalom: God is my peace

Paul addressed the church leaders in our #namesofGod #biblereadingpassage for Day 6. He uses the name of God, Jehovah-Shalom. When you feel the bruising of Satan in your life, the God of peace is able. When it seems you're about to be crushed in spirit, the God of peace ushers in the grace of Jesus and crushes the enemy. You got this! Go forward in peace, grace and strength this Tuesday!

Paul addressed the church leaders in our #namesofGod #biblereadingpassage for Day 6. He uses the name of God, Jehovah-Shalom. When you feel the bruising of Satan in your life, the God of peace is able. When it seems you’re about to be crushed in spirit, the God of peace ushers in the grace of Jesus and crushes the enemy. You got this! Go forward in peace, grace and strength this Tuesday!

Genesis 17:1-8 El-Shaddai: All Sufficient One/ Lord God Almighty

I am. I make. I multiply. This is our God, the all-sufficient One. Ever thought maybe you could help God out? ? yep, I have. Abraham's wife, Sarah, tried to help God out since she was getting old and was still without child. But the end result was a world she did not want to live in. God is the One who makes all things new and sustains life and breath. He does not need our help to fulfill his promises. Thank you Lord! #namesofGod#biblereading

I am. I make. I multiply. This is our God, the all-sufficient One. Ever thought maybe you could help God out? ? yep, I have. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, tried to help God out since she was getting old and was still without child. But the end result was a world she did not want to live in. God is the One who makes all things new and sustains life and breath. He does not need our help to fulfill his promises. Thank you Lord! #namesofGod#biblereading

God doesn't need our assistance. He is all-sufficient. And this fact should increase our trust. #namesofGod #handletteringpractice #handlettering

God doesn’t need our assistance. He is all-sufficient. And this fact should increase our trust. #namesofGod#handletteringpractice #handlettering

Psalm 51:10-19 Adonai: God is my Lord and Master

Yesterday was a closed-mouth day for me. Ever had one of those? When you are so frustrated and flabbergasted over something that you can't even talk about it? Psalm 51 is David's prayer to the Lord after his sin with Bathsheba and murder of her husband was brought forward by the prophet Nathan. All the verses in this chapter use the name Elohim for God's name with the exception of this one verse. David humbly requests that the Master open his lips. Perhaps he felt that his sin had closed off his ability to speak and lead. Maybe he was in such anguish over the adultery that he couldn't find words to speak. Whatever it was, he turned to his Master, the One who could be relied on for instruction and fulfillment. Oh Lord, how I need your direction today. #namesofGod#biblereading Day 8

Yesterday was a closed-mouth day for me. Ever had one of those? When you are so frustrated and flabbergasted over something that you can’t even talk about it? Psalm 51 is David’s prayer to the Lord after his sin with Bathsheba and murder of her husband was brought forward by the prophet Nathan. All the verses in this chapter use the name Elohim for God’s name with the exception of this one verse. David humbly requests that the Master open his lips. Perhaps he felt that his sin had closed off his ability to speak and lead. Maybe he was in such anguish over the adultery that he couldn’t find words to speak. Whatever it was, he turned to his Master, the One who could be relied on for instruction and fulfillment. Oh Lord, how I need your direction today. #namesofGod#biblereading Day 8

He is the One spoke the world into existence. The One whose voice seas and winds obey. The One who not only holds your hand but directs your heart. #namesofGod #biblereading #handletteringpractice

He is the One spoke the world into existence. The One whose voice seas and winds obey. The One who not only holds your hand but directs your heart. #namesofGod #biblereading#handletteringpractice

Psalm 57:1-5 El-Elyon: The Most High God

Aren't you glad that we serve the Most High God? It's easy to make gods in this digital age. So many places to turn and people to look to on the information superhighway. But I don't want a god who doesn't hear me above the noise. My God listens to my cry even before I initiate my voice. And that fact should make your Friday fabulous!! #namesofGod#biblereading

Aren’t you glad that we serve the Most High God? It’s easy to make gods in this digital age. So many places to turn and people to look to on the information superhighway. But I don’t want a god who doesn’t hear me above the noise. My God listens to my cry even before I initiate my voice. And that fact should make your Friday fabulous!! #namesofGod#biblereading

Friends, please forgive me for getting this summary post up a bit late; it was supposed to be live on Friday and I didn’t quite make it. I sure am loving this month’s Bible reading plan though. Our God is incredibly intimate.

Ministry Update

Last week I had the privilege of speaking at Jersey Baptist Church in Pataskala, OH. What a beautiful, wonderful time we had together!!


I ran into Shirley, a previous workmate of my husband’s and that was a super blessing! She is the sweetest, gracious lady.





This wonderful lady, Jennifer, drove up from Cincinnati to be with us. Her mom and daughter came with her and I just loved catching up with her after meeting her last year at this event.  She has spina bifida and has gone through so many surgeries – over 20! If there’s a lady who knows how to take #onemorestep, it’s Jennifer!

If you’d like to catch part of the message from the night, you can listen below.

Blessings and continue to enjoy the Names of God Bible reading plan!


Names of God Bible Reading Plan

What a wonderful Bible reading plan we have enjoyed together so far! I don't know about you, but each day has seemed to be exactly what I have needed to remember. Let's check out the summary of what we've learned so far in the Names of God Bible reading summary week 1.


  1. I am enjoying this month’s reading plan so much, it refreshes my heart & my soul to revisit the many names & voices of “My God!” He is all & reflects it in His many names.
    Thank you, Rachel for leading us in this walk together!

  2. Erma smith says:

    Reading the Names of God was a boost to my faith. The Names of God was refreshing and a lifter of my soul.

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