The Light Bible Reading Challenge Week 2 Summary

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Helping you read your Bible daily and reviewing the plan with you weekly!

Welcome to the Light Bible reading challenge week 2 summary! If this is your first time here, each month our community reads through a topical Bible reading plan together. Each week, I compile a summary of our readings so that we can review them. Why? So we can retain what we are learning as we study God’s Word each day. I love how the Lord meets each of us individually in the time we spend with him. This month’s readings have shone a new light into my life and I’m loving it; check out the last week of Scripture below.

Job 12:13-25


God’s Word is the light for living. Feeling discouraged or depleted, wrapped in darkness? His light shines the way out. The deepest darkness has no power over the Light of the world! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#hellomornings #goodmorninggirls
God’s Word is the light for living. Feeling discouraged or depleted, wrapped in darkness? His light shines the way out. The deepest darkness has no power over the Light of the world! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#hellomornings #goodmorninggirls

Psalm 19:1-10

You see from the time God spoke the world into existence, the sun, moon and stars were telling the whole world of his vast love. But the star of Bethlehem ushered in an entire new declaration. The Savior of the world arrived without a baby registry, elite nursery, or video monitor. No, the Creator of the universe chose an undeniable form of communication to the earth when he set a one and only heavenly body to point the way to his love. The star of Bethlehem—Simple, divine, shining for all the world to see his light! May your reflections today contain shining rays of his illuminating love!! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings

You see from the time God spoke the world into existence, the sun, moon and stars were telling the whole world of his vast love. But the star of Bethlehem ushered in an entire new declaration. The Savior of the world arrived without a baby registry, elite nursery, or video monitor. No, the Creator of the universe chose an undeniable form of communication to the earth when he set a one and only heavenly body to point the way to his love. The star of Bethlehem—Simple, divine, shining for all the world to see his light! May your reflections today contain shining rays of his illuminating love!! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings

Proverbs 4:13-19

We all crave direction and clarity. The simplest way to receive it? Walk in the light of the Word. Simply stated: Just do the next right thing. Have a marvelous Monday! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings#motivationmonday

We all crave direction and clarity. The simplest way to receive it? Walk in the light of the Word. Simply stated: Just do the next right thing. Have a marvelous Monday! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings#motivationmonday

Isaiah 5:16-21

I don’t expect today’s highlighted verse to win a popularity contest. The standards of society, both secular and Christian, are blending more and more and it’s difficult to know what is true and what is not. I know without a doubt that the only standard for living is God’s Word. And so I long to be as close to the Lord as I absolutely can be, understanding that his light brings clarity and purpose. Only he can provide true daily discernment. I’m so thankful for his word this morning; may it shine brightly with truth for you today!! #thelightjournal#biblereadingplan #biblereading#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings

Isaiah 58:1-8

This morning I fear that I’m prone to want the enjoyment of the glory of the Lord more than I want to share, bring and cover. Lord, today give me eyes to see the needs around me, the heart and hands to fulfill them, and the wonder of your presence through it all. #thelightjournal#biblereadingplan #biblereading#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings

Isaiah 58:9-14


It’s so easy to crave limelight in today’s frayed society. And yet, light for life- vision, clarity, and purpose, are discovered through simple service. We crave instant gratification like it is the ultimate satisfaction, yet it only leaves us empty and craving more. We want our “then” before the “If.” Jesus, shine your light on our hearts to purify them. May today be the day we pour ourselves out in order to fully take you in. May we see you in those we serve and may our eagerness to satisfy the needs of others surpass our own personal cravings through your supernatural strength. In your name we pray. #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings

Proverbs 20:22-27

When the Lord shines his light into our souls, we are exposed. Is it a heart reflecting his love that he sees? That’s the thought I’m pondering this morning. Happy Friday! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings#biblereading

When the Lord shines his light into our souls, we are exposed. Is it a heart reflecting his love that he sees? That’s the thought I’m pondering this morning. Happy Friday! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan#goodmorninggirls #hellomornings#biblereading

What is one simple way you can reflect the shining light Jesus provides for today?


That’s a wrap for last week! Don’t let the busy holiday season have the opposite effect God intended; I know it can be easy not to take personal quiet time with the Lord when there is much to do. But he longs to meet with  us individually each day. Not just one time at the manger. Let’s enjoy being pursued by the One who loves us.

By his grace,



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