January 2019 Bible Reading Plan

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Welcome to the January 2019 Bible reading plan and journal challenge! If this is your first time here, then I’m so glad to have you! Each month I host a monthly Bible reading plan and journal challenge to help our community enjoy reading God’s Word together and encourage our hearts to be faithful to Him.  Together, we have completed over 25 Bible reading plans, including annual reading challenges and monthly reading challenges. I’ve developed all sorts of strategies to help us continue to stay in God’s word faithfully and there is nothing like this monthly system we are doing together.


Many readers have requested that I list the journal at the beginning of this monthly announcement post because you already know you want it and don’t need the details. So here you are! This month’s journal is The Names of God: Bible Reading Plan & Journal. I’m really excited about this journal because each day holds a unique journaling experience!




You can never know what a day will hold. I’m sure you agree. On the days you thought everything was out of control, you later realized that God was in full control, orchestrating circumstances to bring him full glory. On the days you thought you couldn’t get out of bed, God met you there. In your darkest pit, he was there. Oh, maybe it took you a little while to see him, but he was there all the time.

Our God is enormous. As humans, we can’t assign words to fully describe him. We can’t wrap our heads around his traits in totality. We are human and limited; he is never limited. When I think of how much he loves us, I am in awe. And then the more I get to know him, the more I begin to understand Who he is, the more I fall in love with him. God is the Creator of the universe and baby Jesus in the manger. Can we ever really grasp this God of ours, Jesus who became flesh or the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us? Honestly, I don’t think our brains are capable. But relationships are not about what we know. The facts and figures can be logically assessed all we’d like, but relationships are about who we know.

This Bible reading plan and journal will guide you to a stronger walk with Jesus! I am fully convinced of that. If you need accountability and would enjoy seeing the history of  your growing relationship with the Lord, this is a fantastic tool for you!

I truly long to provide practical, spiritual resources; I know that is a work God has called me to do. I expanded the journal from one page a day to two pages a day, and yet I believe it is still something the average person can complete within a reasonable span of time on a personal level.If you’re looking for an in-depth Bible study, these slim Bible reading plan and journal guides may not be the right fit for you. (Check out this FREE video Bible study for more depth!) I designed these particular Bible reading plans and journals to be doable on a consistent, daily basis.


  1. Follow the daily Bible reading plan and read the passage. Share what you are learning on social media if you’d like. My goal is to draw closer to Jesus and I want that for you too! This month the hashtags are: #namesofgodjournal #biblereadingplan
  2. Recommended: Journal your thoughts and prayers using Names of God Bible Reading Plan & Journal. This simple guide will help you stay focused and accountable. It will also leave a legacy for you to enjoy in the future!
  3. Optional: Join the Facebook group to see what others are learning and sharing. Enjoy our prayer community in the group as we pray for one another’s needs. Be in the know with bonus material such as practical tips, tools, and resources Rachel shares, Facebook live videos, and recently added focused music playlists based on the monthly Bible reading challenge topic.

Let’s get to know our Savior, Lord and King a little more this January. Let’s be intentional about reading his Word to draw us closer to the scenes of his glory. Let’s remember that God is my God. Your God. Our God. He’s personal and intimate and longs for us to draw closer and closer to him. Who’s ready for the Names of God Bible reading challenge? Begins 1/1/19!


1. Genesis 16:7-13 El-Roi: The God who sees me
2. Exodus 15:22-27 Jehovah-Rapha: My Healer
3. 1 Timothy 6:13-21 Jehovah-Jireh: My Provider
4. Jeremiah 23:16-24 Jehovah-Shammah: God is already there
5. Psalm 18:1-6 El-Sali: God of my strength
6. Romans 16:20-27 Jehovah-Shalom: God is my peace
7. Genesis 17:1-8 El-Shaddai: All Sufficient One/ Lord God Almighty
8. Psalm 51:10-19 Adonai: God is my Lord and Master
9. Psalm 57:1-5 El-Elyon: The Most High God
10. Exodus 17:8-16 Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord My Miracle
11. Psalm 23 Jehovah-Raah: The Lord my Shepherd
12. Jeremiah 23:1-8 Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness
13. Exodus 31:12-18 Jehovah Mekoddishkem: The Lord Who Makes You Holy
14. Isaiah 26:1-8 El-Olam: The Everlasting God
15. Deuteronomy 6:6-15 Qanna: Jealous God
16. Psalm 24:1-10 Jehovah-Sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts
17. John 8:49-59 I AM
18. John 1:1-14 The Word
19. John 10:34-42 The Son of God
20. Titus 2:11-15 Savior
21. John 4:19-26 Messiah
22. Revelation 5:6-14 The Lamb of God
23. John 14:1-14 The Way, The Truth & The Life
24. Isaiah 7:7-14 Immanuel: God With Us
25. Isaiah 9:6&7 Prince of Peace
26. John 10:1-10 The Door
27. John 10:11-18 The Good Shepherd
28. John 15:1-9 The Vine
29. John 6:28-40 The Bread of Life
30. John 8:1-12 The Light of the World
31. 1 Peter 2:1-10 The Chief Cornerstone

Order your journal or if you’d like to participate without the journal, screenshot the graphic to your smartphone to mark it as a favorite for easy daily digital access. You could also use a simple printable copy of the daily reading plan. Click on the graphic title above or HERE to print out two copies of the Bible reading plan. Share one with a friend!

Ready to begin? Starts January 1st.

By his grace,


One Comment

  1. I was googling a subject pertaining to the Bible and your page about when you feel like giving up then the subject about learning the Bible and getting closer to god popped up and this is something I been needing thank you you are a blessing

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