How to Make the Most of Your Bible Study Time

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It’s Friday, Bible Challenge Readers! This means if you’re still trucking along with us in the reading, no matter where you are, just give a shout-out in the comments and let us know so we can encourage one another.

If you’ve been around this hopping spot of cyberspace much the last few weeks, then you’ve probably caught on to the fact that I’m in Bible study mode at church with the Priscilla Shirer Gideon study. The first week, our facilitator opened with a word of encouragement and the reminder that each day of homework can take an average of 40 minutes. Ummm. Yeah. I had forgotten that little detail. 

So I’ve really been working on time management and especially maximizing my Bible study time. I’m not using each and every one of these tips right now, but depending on the season and the amount of time I’m devoting to a particular study, these 4 tips on how to make the most of your Bible study time help significantly.

make the most of your bible study time

1. Give yourself the gift of flexibility.

I know some folks live by having morning quiet time and they vow to never change their 5 am time. I’m all for that, if it works for you. But the truth is, it doesn’t work for me. There are a lot of bodies in this household and therefore many variables in the day. (Exhibit A in the right sidebar, marked “My Tribe.”) I enjoy a morning prayer time and short, one page devotional, but I don’t wake up and spend 40 minutes in Bible study time. Honestly, it takes at least 40 minutes for me to even wake up.  Praise Jesus, He knows I’m not a huge morning person because He created me. This is probably the reason He also created coffee.

I’ve found that many days I don’t have 40 minutes in a day for Bible study time, but I have 30 minutes. And maybe I don’t have 30 minutes all at once, but I have two 15 minute slots of time for Bible study.  And that’s great if I use it wisely. So go ahead, be willing to flex a bit.

2.  Keep your study items in the same place all the time.

I actually keep my study books on the microwave stand with a pen in the book. No, it’s not ideal, but placing them there keeps it in sight and on my mind. I also keep the page bookmarked for easy reference. If I’m using my paper Bible, then I store the Bible and study book in the same place. I keep the Bible bookmarked as well.

3. Try using a Bible app as your Bible for the study.

I enjoy using a Bible app for so many reasons. Using the Bible app works well with highlighting and bookmarking easily within the app. I can quickly touch from reference to reference, as well as screenshot and share Scripture easily. It enables me to be more hands-free for my little ones, which is wonderful when you feel like you are carrying everything but the kitchen sink.

If you’re not sure which Bible app you would benefit from the most, here’s a list of 4 Fabulous Bible Apps I Recommend– but I’ll tell you my favorite is the Olive Tree Bible Study App. I’m not saying you have to, but try it! You might like it!

4. Be purposeful about setting your environment. 

My friend recently told me that she will have her children busy with activities in the same room with her, but she uses headphones for music to silence the noise in the room while she focuses on her study. Great idea! I often sit in the room next to my children if I’m trying to snag a few minutes of quiet time. I try to isolate myself as much as possible whenever I’m working on Bible study because I focus best in quiet conditions. I also try to give God my best time of day, which is after lunch and at night when the house is quiet. These are the times my environment is most conducive to having Bible study time.

How do you maximize your Bible study time? I’d love it if you’d share your tips with us!





  1. Heather P says:

    Still on track with the Bible reading. Like your ideas. Personally trying to keep my priorities in order as I am looking for a full-time teacher position and doing everything else I do. God first, though!!!

  2. I love and use all these tips. I have also found that involving my kids works for us. I started out with just letting them play or eat breakfast while my Bible app read my daily Bible reading to me and now they grab their peanut butter sandwiches and sir on the couch with me. It has even helped me stay accountable because my boys will want me to wait for them and, if they sleep in a bit, they ask if I have already listened to my Bible.

    I also make use of the times they play outside. It will be different this winter with a newborn in my arms and less outside time for the older ones but there are always independent play activities like coloring or playdough to entertain them. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    1. so true. This reminded me of the post I wrote about having quiet time in different seasons of life. I’ve been through many seasons with our troops and finding a few minutes of quiet time is critical. I suppose I think of a few minutes of quiet time with God versus my more focused Bible study time to be two separate concepts, but I know that’s not the case for everyone. 🙂 You are so right about the will and way. We always find the time to do the things that are the most meaningful to us, don’t we? 🙂

  3. kim beldowski says:

    I try to spend at least 30 minutes to an hour a day with my quiet time. I would love to be that 4 or 5 am person but I am not. I take my son to school then study the Bible. (which is from 810 to usually 900 am) I sit at the dining table, with the sunshine pouring in. Read, Study and Pray. Some days I try and do another early afternoon studying. Love your blog! Thanks so much for all you share.

  4. Rachel, I also spend a quiet time in the morning…giant cups of coffee, my most loved “God Calling” devotional and the Proverbs31 devotional (maybe one more emailed blog post), but I try to keep it simple. I leave the house by 7:00 and praise Jesus all the way to work with KLOVE! Usually chat with Him many times throughout the school day. After work, meetings, committees, etc, but almost always time with my grandsons! Helping Tara get Andrew settled and in bed or keeping the little guy, Shamus, out from under foot. As you can prob tell by my comments or emails, I try to spend an hour reading blogs and emails and another hour or so in Bible study or quiet time with God! Don’t sleep much but He gives me what I need and each day I feel blessed to wake up and start anew! Every day is a blessed adventure with Him! God bless!

  5. Thanks for posting this! With 2 small boys, I usually do my Bible study while they nap/have quiet time. I’ve also learned that I need to give myself grace. I try to finish the lessons each week, but sometimes life happens (especially with 2 young ones). As long as I’m spending time in the Word daily, God will give me the lessons He wants me to learn. Thanks again for these great ideas 🙂

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