How to Make a Blessings Jar

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It’s Tommy Nelson day! Woohoo!

This announcement typically gets a round of applause from the Woj tribe as children rush to open a box of treasures in the form of books!

One particular little helper, my Tarah, was excited about the book up for review today- The Blessings Jar by Colleen Coble, a story about being thankful.

The main character in this precious book, Punky Grace, wakes up one morning with a case of “grumpies.” Now I’m sure  no one at your house ever wakes up with a case of grumpies, but that is what happened to Punky Grace. But Punky’s Grammy had a big glass jar that she was convinced would take away the grumpies. She asks her granddaughter:

Why don’t we go on an adventure today and try to fill the jar with things that remind us of God’s blessings?

And that is exactly what they did. Each item added to the jar not only helped Punky remember how God was blessing throughout the day, but she also forgot all about her case of the “grumpies.”

I originally planned to post this review last week, but my sweet girl, Tarah, and I hadn’t had the opportunity to read the book together since I was in conference preparation mode for She Speaks. I really wanted to share the experience with her and I’m so glad I waited….


Because she really LOVED the book and…


(sorry for the blurry pic- I wasn’t planning to do a photo shoot, but they were having so much fun) and of course…

Tessa had to photobomb.

Tomorrow we plan to fill our own blessing bag. Yes, I know the story is about a jar, but just to tell you the plain truth, at our house, that would most likely translate into a catastrophe of some sort that has the potential of an ER visit. You know, dropping, glass, cut toes… Fabulous way to collect blessings for the blessings jar… at the hospital. So, yeah, we’re going to use a bag. But it will be loads of fun and I can’t wait!

how to make a blessings jar

Step 1: Choose a vessel. The story uses a jar, but yes, we are using a bag.

Step 2: Decorate or leave it as is. Go with the flow and do what you feel like or have time for.

Step 3: Count your blessings throughout the day and make it a point to place an item in your blessings holder to remind you of that blessing at the end of the day. This will be unique, but once you’ve read the story, you can get a few ideas if needed.

Step 4: Review all the items at the end of the day and enjoy a fun discussion with your child or children about all the great blessings God gave you for the day.

Step 5: Empty and repeat as often as needed. Guaranteed cure for the grumpies. Ahem. Maybe the bag shouldn’t be only for the children. Adults can play too. Probably need too. At least at my house.

Here’s a cool preview of the book:

And I just KNEW you would want to win a copy of the book, so follow the rafflecopter for the instructions and be sure to come back tomorrow for a back to school prayer idea requested by a reader. AND if you want to order this super cute book, you can pick it up RIGHT HERE:The Blessings Jar: A Story About Being Thankful.

Have a great day!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Post contains affiliate links; site may be compensated if purchase is made. All products provided by publisher; favorable review not required. All opinions are my own.


  1. This is a great idea and I can’t wait to try it!! We all need to count our blessings, great dinner time activity!!

  2. I’ve never tried anything like this with our boys.

  3. I have not tried this , but what a great idea. I have a negative 8yr in the house right now 😉

  4. Oh what a wonderful book! My little guys would love it and to make blessing jars. Thank you!

  5. I really love this idea. My daughter just turned 5 this summer, so I think she is the perfect age to start doing this!

  6. This would be a perfect book for our family. I can’t wait to make a jar!

  7. I have never tried something like this with my kids before. Seems like a good place to focus instead of on the grumpies. I like it! 🙂

  8. Amanda Lewis says:

    This book looks amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing! I can’t wait to start my own blessings jar. My household has its share of grumpy days.

  9. we’ve never done something like this but before we eat dinner every one must share a blessing. we want to teach our children that God gives us many gifts we just have to open our eyes.

  10. My daughter definitely needs this reminder–daily–to seek out the opportunities to “thank” and not to complain.

  11. I love this! We have tried to talk about our blessings but have never had something tangible.

  12. Stephanie says:

    I think I tried something similar to this a few years ago. However, I have been trying to think of a way to bring it back and make it front and center as a reminder. Sounds like a fun activity to start! Thanks for posting 🙂

  13. This looks like such a cute book!

  14. I love this idea as it gets the whole family involved! I know when I was in the midst of my trail I felt like all my prayers consisted of please…please give me, please help me. I was convicted one night to first thank God before asking Him. Once I started thinking of all the things I was thankful for, I become more focused on what I had vs what I didn’t 🙂

  15. We have done the “thankfulness” trees at thanksgiving, where we write on a leaf for each day of the month until Thanksgiving and have our son name the things that he is thankful for, then we hang it on the tree that we have up on our wall. 🙂 I would love to try something like this for use more often!

  16. Inez Foreman says:

    I love the idea my daughter notice every now and then mommy little pink book that she writes in. I explained I was counting my blessing, and this would be a great way to start her with a jar for every year. This looks like a great book.
    Thank you and God Bless,

  17. I haven’t done this before. We always discuss God’s blessings on us but I like this idea!

  18. Amanda McGee says:

    I have not done something like this and I love the idea. Blessings are the positives in our lives. I want my boys to focus on those things rather than the negative, the grumpies. Such a cute book too! I would love to have this in my home!

  19. We have a “happy days” jar at our house. 🙂

  20. I can’t wait to try this idea 🙂

  21. I have never tried an experiment like this with Hailey, but would LOVE to do it with the layout you posted above. What a perfect way to show blessings on a grumpy day (and I guarantee I would get just as much, if not more, out of it at the same time). If you use a bag, it could even hang on the fridge for easy access!

  22. Nickole S says:

    Love this idea! My daughter’s prayers are typically thanking God for
    the blessings of the day, but what a way to remember them by having a keepsake to
    put the blessings in to revisit how Great our GOD is!

  23. Danielle I says:

    This has been something I have wanted to do, but haven’t done so. Thank you for sharing! It’s a great idea!

  24. Great idea…

  25. I have not tried something like this.

  26. Oh this book looks so great! We made jars for good deeds seen when the kids didn’t notice and it went over well. My oldest participated the most b/c he could write down what he saw. Example: J helped S fold her clothes. It was really sweet to share their thoughts. B and I did it too. Writing down blessings is a great idea!

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