Gently God Guides Bible Reading Summary Week 2
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Here we are! Gently God Guides Bible Reading Summary Week 2. My prayer is that you are enjoying the reading each day and anticipating the message God has for you through it.
John 16:12-16
We often hear or say or do only partial truths, wouldn’t you say? But oh how I need guidance in ALL truth. Desperately. Anyone else?
James 1:1-5
When we need that wisdom, the guidance, all we have to do is ask! I wonder why I’m so hesitant to ask. Lord, we need wisdom from above. #gentlyGodguides
Proverbs 6:20-23
A command is a lamp and teaching is a light. Corrective discipline is the way to life. I’m learning to love it when God calls me out in my sin. Because that is the key to life. Not only quality, but quantity.
Isaiah 30:19-26
I’m a direct kind of girl so whenever I read a command like this one in the Bible, I thank God for it. You recognize grace and truth? Just walk in it today.
Joshua 1:6-9
One day when I was a teen, I was riding my bike in the back country like our family did often. My brother and sister were behind me and I rode right up on a black bear. I looked at her and she looked at me. Panic was threatening but I could only think of my siblings behind me. The bear was between me and the meeting point where my dad was waiting. I turned and raced back to tell my siblings. By the time we all rode back to the spot where I had originally stopped, the bear sat in the middle of the road and just watched us watch her. Then I heard a noise and realized her two cubs were almost right beside us. It was a stare down moment and I prayed out loud. “Jesus, protect us!” Obviously you know the mama decided I wasn’t worth her effort. But I was afraid and needed to know the Father was with me! Wherever you are today, he is with you. Do NOT be afraid or discouraged!Psalm 31:1-5
What if we entrusted our spirit to God’s hand every day, not just when we think we need it?
Isaiah 48:12-17
““I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you to profit,
who leads you in the way you should go….” Jesus, let us follow you today. (Thanks for the beautiful pic from my sister!)
There is so much to learn about giving God the role as leader of our lives! I’m loving the opportunity to take a month and work on it.
What did you learn this week? I’d love it if you have a moment to share!
Happy Friday!
PS: The One More Step FREE Preorder printable/digital package will be GONE at 11:59pm EST on 10/19/15- which is MONDAY. WOW! Don’t miss out! Preorder NOW!
Be sure to check out the Gently God Guides Bible reading plan!