Wanted: Organization

We made it to Friday! Hooray! Today I’m writing for my friends at The MOM Initiative.   Have you ever had a difficult time with that first step of organization?  You really want to get organized, but you just can’t figure out where to start?   I’m not the ultimate…

Can We Outgive God?

On Friday, my awesome friend, Lisa Jo Baker (The Gypsy Mama), hosts a writer’s exercise and linkup.  I haven’t participated in many weeks and this week I was really feeling the call. 🙂  We write for 5 minutes flat, no edits, no takebacks….and then actually come up with the nerve…


The Magic Number

Today is a very special day- the magic number has arrived. My Taylor girl turns sweet 16 today;16 is significant for many reasons.  Most would think of a driver’s license…dating…  But for our family, Taylor turning 16 is HUGE simply because- we were never sure that Taylor would turn 16….