A Prayer to Empower Moms

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Parenting is hard work, amen? It’s both hard work and heart work. It’s long days, short days, good days and bad days.

I’ve been mom-ing for over 26 years now. Through many stages and phases, I can tell you one thing for sure: God loves mothers. He loves mamas because He created them. He loves mamas because He uses them. He must love mamas because He gave one to Jesus. Think about that!

And if there’s one thing I can tell you about mothering, it’s that I could never get through it without prayer. Both the prayers of others who love me and my own prayers are vital to daily living.

Recently I heard someone say that praying prayers to God that someone else wrote is for people who don’t have a relationship with God. Mercy, I couldn’t disagree more. To take a group of words that express your heart and offer them up to God as a gift is never a wasted prayer. He hears every word we lift to Him, whether we grouped them together or not. He is ever seeking a heart like His. This prayer simply expresses a mama’s desire to do that.

A Prayer to Empower Moms


Some days this Mama gets tired.
So tired, in fact, that I just
won’t know what to do except…
set my face before You.

When I come to You in prayer,
I must first whisper “Thank You.”
Thank you, Jesus, for my children.
Thank you for their energy…
and their sleep. Well, when they sleep.

Thank you for their open hearts…
and sometimes willing hands.
Thank you for teaching me so much
about You through them
and for teaching me so much about them through You.

To be chosen as “mama” is a gracious gift from you.
May I recognize that gift as much on the high-strung days
as the low-key days.
May the thought flood my mind with joy and

May my simple thanks
transform my thoughts
from weak mommy
to empowered mama.
In Jesus’ Name,

Feel free to use this prayer to empower moms as your own. Print out a copy and give it to a few friends, share the ink or screenshot it and send it via text or social media

By his grace,


Inspired by this prayer? Then you’ll love 5 Simple Ways to Encourage Yourself as a Mom and this BEAUTIFUL new devotional, One Minute Devotions for Mothers.

One Comment

  1. Rachel…thank you so much for this prayer…I am going to share it with all the wonderful Moms in our Single Moms group which I am honored to be able to lead at our church. I can only imagine how proud Taylor is up in heaven with Jesus of her Mama!

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