10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

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So I have to tell you that when I first typed the title of this post, it read: 10 ways to relive stress. Wow- that would have been a hit! Just what everyone is looking for. A way to relive stress. Ha.

It’s no secret that the Woj tribe is a lively one. Our family is very active and engaged in church and our community. We are a blended family, have a newly married daughter, a special needs daughter who has a rare terminal illness, and five more children. There are school activities, functions, loads of papers being shuffled, homework, music instrument practices, drs appts. and well, you get the idea.

I’m frequently asked: How do you do it? And I typically assume that the definition of “it” means “stay sane.” So I wanted to share a few ways to relieve stress. Maybe you’ll find one or two that could work for you!

ways to relieve stress

1. Set the timer and just sit for five minutes.

If I don’t have five minutes, I set it for three. Sometimes I close my eyes and sometimes I stare blankly. Just telling you the truth. But either way, I focus my mind to rest.

2. Pray.

I know that having quiet time with God each day is important and I do my best to spend that quality time each day. Honestly though, God and I have an ongoing conversation throughout the day. Many times they are interrupted, but I have always found time to pray while doing monotonous tasks. One of my times of that nature is washing the dishes. Helps me be a little more thankful about all the dirty dishes too. 

3. Exercise.

Running is a wonderful way I relieve stress. Gives me prayer time and keeps me active. Maybe you’re not a runner, but you enjoy walking. Or playing tennis. Or riding a bike. Whatever the activity, be sure to take the time to do it. I’m a better wife, mom, and writer when I run.

4. Sip a cup of afternoon tea. 

I’ve found that reading a short devotional over a cup of tea when my littlest goes down for nap can rejuvenate all the energy that toddler body just extracted from me during the morning. Check out how to make your own Scripture tea for added creativity.

5. Phone a friend.

Where do you think the Millionaire show got the idea? In the current digital age, I think we are talking less and less on the phone. Verbal conversation, even over the phone, provides voice inflection and emotional response that you can’t read when texting. Go ahead, use that lifeline!

6. Light a candle.

Candles implore the eyes and nose to relax. Lighting a candle in the room can work wonders. Just use safety. Please. There’s my disclaimer.

7. Read Scripture.

The Bible verse lists I’ve shared on the blog are ones that I use in my own life. Sometimes I have a list posted on the fridge as a daily reminder and whenever I pass it, I pick a verse and meditate on it as I go about the kitchen. As added encouragement for this point, you might also be encouraged by 7 Creative Ways to Saturate Your Life with Scripture.

8. Just breathe.

A few deep breaths in and out to clear the mind are sometimes just what is needed for a mini-stress relief session.

9. Anticipate a future scheduled time of rest. 

If vacation is coming, have a countdown! But since vacation doesn’t come nearly as often as we would like, plant a moment in your mind that you expect to sprout shortly. For example, I always look forward to date nights with my husband and that is stress-relieving.

10. Find something funny and laugh.

I can always count on my husband to make me laugh. I love that about him. But sometimes I have to just sit and watch the antics of my 4 yr old and 2 yr old so I can have a good laugh. Or I might have to watch the Youtube video where this goat is subbed into the song at certain points. Poor Taylor Swift.

Will you share with us what you do for a mini stress relief session?

whimsical wednesday

Bloggers, thanks for linking up! Have a Whimsical Wednesday!




  1. These are great, Rachel and I’ve used many of them. I especially like point 2 “pray” because it always helps to bring calmness and perspective for the rest of my day. Now, I have the luxury of being a mom of older children and young adults, so I don’t have such a scattered schedule. A huge plus that counters the downside to aging! ha! But I’m grateful for the practical way you’ve shared from your life and these really do work! Love it!

  2. Great list, Rachel! Ditto to all of them, especially having an ongoing conversation with God. By the way, one of these days I’m going to grab onto #5 and call you (now wouldn’t you be surprised!).

    Playing Christian music (or sometimes John Denver [full disclosure]) and singing at the top of my off-key lungs really helps me to relieve stress–not so sure it does anyone who hears it any good though. 🙂

  3. What a great list! Surprisingly, sometimes it doesn’t occur to me to try to relieve the stress (or even that I am stressed – how can that be?!?). But this was a wonderful reminder to breathe and relax. Ahhhh… Thanks!

  4. I can’t think if anything profound to say so I’ll just say, “I needed this!”. 🙂

    1. “of” (it’s late!) 😉

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