6 Chipper Reasons to Encourage Others

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bible reading challenge day 154

In a week’s time around this hopping little spot of cyberspace, I typically receive quite a few emails from readers. Many of them are prayer requests. Some of them are requests to speak or write articles.

Last week, two of them were readers who wrote specifically to thank me. Yes, that is how awesome you guys are! One of the emails came at a time that I needed it greatly and I treasured it so much that it sat in my inbox all week.

Each time I read email, I read it again. Because this new reader was so encouraged over the posts she found on the blog, her email was completely positive and uplifting to me. I would share it with you, but to tell you the truth, I’m a little embarrassed at the generosity of her words. I don’t want you to think I think of myself as highly as she thinks of me! Because I know me better than that!

And I also know that without Jesus, my words are futile at best. But wow, did her words lift my spirit. I love ice cream. But I loved her email more. I love chocolate. But I loved her email more. I thought for quite awhile about why I loved her email so much. It wasn’t because I needed my ego fed. It wasn’t because I crave approval. It wasn’t even because I needed even just a little affirmation, although that was wonderful. Here are the 6 reasons I loved her email and therefore 6 chipper reasons to encourage others. Ready?

reasons to encourage
1. You never know what someone else is going through.

This point is probably not a great revelation to you, but it is worth repeating. That cashier who isn’t smiling? Maybe she sat up all night with a sick child. The fast food worker that seems slow? Perhaps he gets up at 4:30am and works two jobs while in school. The point is: you just can’t know.

2. You cannot judge a person by their appearance any more than you can judge a book by its cover.

Sometimes people look like something they are not. Maybe she enjoys fashion and has a tendency to overkill on the makeup. Perhaps his clothing choice isn’t the most accurate display for his heart for missions. Everyone, no matter their appearance, can use a little encouragement. From the best-dressed executive on Wall Street to the homeless man begging on the corner.

3. When you encourage others, you will be encouraged.

I like to call it “The Cycle of Joy.” You spread joy; you receive joy. Seems simple enough, yet I sometimes struggle to be the one to begin the cycle.

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. Prov. 12:25

an encouraging word

4. When you encourage others, you are obeying God’s Word.

Paul knew the importance of a good word; I’m guessing it just may have saved his thought life a time or two!

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. I Thess 5:11

5. You are making a worthy time investment when you encourage someone else.

The encouragement you invest in others will reap rewards. You may not see them the same day you make your investment, but you never know what the future yield will be either! The value of encouragement can’t be measured in a simple solution because it is always calculated on a compound interest level.

6. You are building confidence both in yourself and the person you seek to encourage. When you give someone else the gift of affirmation, your words are providing the power of hope. Hope to take the next step. Hope to do the right thing. Then your own confidence is uplifted because of the empowerment you offered to someone else. God wants us to be confident in our work for Him because it is through Him that we can find the strength for each day! And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phil 1:6

Special thanks to Anna for her kind email to me.

Why do you feel it is important to encourage others?



  1. I’m a word love-language person – and so encouraging words are like hugs – and we all need hugs! However, not all people value those encouraging words the same way – I have learned, though, that this is my gifting area – and I need to walk in it and practice it – and to understand also how to “hug” in other love languages. It is sometimes disappointing when others treat your encouraging words like 1 penny left overs instead of gold pieces – but God knows the hearts intention and thus the value:) So glad you had beautiful encouragement that was just the “hug” you needed:) You host such an encouraging, positive, uplifting place – it’s always wonderful to stop by!


    1. Bless you, Maryleigh! I suppose words of affirmation do mean more to some of us than others. What wonderful truth you relay in your comment. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing!

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