I’ll Take Her Shoes for $400- Playing the Comparison Game

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She really does have well-behaved children.

Oh.my.word. That dress looks like it was tailor made for her!

He deserved that promotion; I wish I had his ability.

The comparison game is such a deadly one. The proverbial grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We play life as though it were Jeopardy and our minds say:

I’ll take “Her Shoes” for $400.

the comparison game

Yes, we’re playing the comparison game. I confess to you, I’ve played the game. The thought has appeared for a moment that I’d rather be in her shoes.

But I forget I’ve never walked a mile in those shoes. And do I really want to fork out $400 for them?

Those shoes could cause freakish blisters that result in ugly band-aids.

Her shoes may look cute, but after an hour, my feet would be aching. And my face wincing.

That pair of sleek booties may require much more balance than one ever dreamed. One step and my ankle is twisted.

In the game of comparison, we’re continually looking around at others and comparing ourselves to one another.

And ultimately- the reason for wanting her shoes in the first place has nothing to do with her. And everything to do with my own inability to be thankful- right where God has me.

I want her shoes because I haven’t accepted the ones God has given me. Her shiny black heels with the peekaboo toe are so much more appealing than my dingy white sneakers.

We want her children that seem so well-behaved.

We want that kind of marriage that appears so perfect on the exterior.

Each of us are continually searching for more, that next step, that next “bigger and better.”

We want acceptance. We want someone to say that our shoes are just as lovely as hers. We want someone to say about us:

I’ll take “Her Shoes” for $400.

Why is the comparison game so deadly?

Because there is never a winner.

The key to beating the game of comparison?

Don’t play the game.

Just don’t start- be thankful for where God has placed you.

Be thankful for the children God has given to you.

Be thankful for the husband God has graciously paired with you.

Be thankful for the talents and skills God has entrusted to you.

Graciously bow out of the comparison game with confidence, knowing that Christ has paid for you in full…

and the only acceptance and approval you need is His.

My dingy sneakers are feeling pretty comfy today. I don’t even mind the hole on the top-an un-intended peekaboo.

Because it speaks as to where I’ve been.

And what God has brought me through.

 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Gal. 1:10

Ever tempted to play the comparison game? How did you step out of the game? Or are you still playing?











  1. Great post Rachel! I recently read something that Ben Patterson had to say about prayer. I think it fits perfectly in helping us when we are tempted to compare ourselves to others. “When your day is rolling along at its own pace & in it’s own direction, interrupt it with prayer. As your day builds toward a crisis, deliberately stop to pray. When your morning begins to go south, pull away for a few moments of solitude to seek God’s mind & ask for His instruction. When your attitude starts to sour, pause for an attitude adjustment, prompted by prayer. Don’t wait – pray immediately.” The key is to “pray without ceasing.” At every temptation, at every blessing, at everything … stop & pray.

    1. love this, Shirlee- I believe prayer is the answer too! Thank you for commenting so appropriately and timely!

  2. Rachel, I played that game when I was young. As I became a single mom at age 21 and my perspective on life began to develop through changes in my life, I was blessed with my parents support…humble and godly they reminded me that God had a plan for me. The good Lord then set the wheels in motion for my return to college and as He called me to educate and care for those special children needing assistance for all things, I said yes! I can look back and see the miracles and blessings that He was pouring out on me even as I was unaware of His presence. I believed in God but a relationship with Him was just beginning. Here I am 35 years later, knowing Jesus, loving Him, trusting Him, following Him, imperfectly, but yet daring to be obedient! Comparisons with anyone else were long ago replaced by His love and purpose for me! I don’t covet anyone else’s life or anything else…God has filled my heart with Himself and He is all I need!
    Don’t want to sound like I haven’t any struggles, I have plenty! this just isn’t one of them! God bless!

  3. Occasionally, I still fall into the comparison trap, Rachel. Moreso, now, I hate to admit, in the blogging/writing/speaking world. Although I am much more grateful for where God has placed me than I used to be–maturity I think.

  4. Hi Rachel,

    If I take my thoughts captive, and give myself a reality check, then I don’t compare. If I am feeling hungry, angry, lonely, tired, or overwhelmed, then I am more apt to want to compare.

    I have been reading lately from different sources of speaking gratitude out loud in faith during difficult situations and this helps. I get back to a better place and remember that the Lord does not make mistakes and everything is for my good. But, I am faaaaaaaar from remembering to do this exercise in faith as often as necessary.



    1. That is so true- weakness of any kind makes it easy for Satan to prey using the comparison trap. Thank you for your word today!!

  5. One of the many reasons I’m leaving Facebook. It’s not that it’s bad for everyone but it’s been bad for me. It’s become something that’s taken over my life and I check it too often and can’t seem to control it, so it’s an idol that I need to cut out.

  6. There is the occasional moment but I’m so grateful for a birthday present from God a few year ago. God called me by name. Not the one my parents gave me but my identity in Him. In my opinion, one of the best things that could happen to us. When I’m about to compare myself to another, I’m reminded of who I am and asked if this desire falls in line with it? 🙂 just thinking about it makes me all mushy and giddy. I could go on but the best thing this did for me was to shed all the name tags that Papa never gave me. I really pray this gift for everyone- best ever!

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