No Fear Bible Reading Challenge Week 4 Summary

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Welcome to the No Fear Bible Reading Challenge Week 4 Summary! I've had such wonderful feedback from you regarding this Bible reading plan. I've really gotten so much from it too. Let's take a glance back at what we read and studied this week!

Welcome to the No Fear Bible Reading Challenge Week 4 Summary! I’ve had such wonderful feedback from you regarding this Bible reading plan. I’ve really gotten so much from it too. Let’s take a glance back at what we read and studied this week!

Romans 8:9-17

Why do we fall back into the old pattern of fear? Because we ignore the Spirit of adoption living inside of us. Vs 11 gives us the most beautiful "if" statement. "f the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you." Say goodbye to fear and hello to power-filled living through Christ! #nofear #biblereading



Why do we fall back into the old pattern of fear? Because we ignore the Spirit of adoption living inside of us. Vs 11 gives us the most beautiful “if” statement. “f the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” Say goodbye to fear and hello to power-filled living through Christ! #nofear #biblereading

Hebrews 12:18-29

"Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I tremble with fear.” The Scripture describes Moses took off his shoes for he knew he stood in holy ground. While the power of God enables us to stand with #nofear, it is this same power that we must respect in holy awe. May our worship reflect our hearts. #biblereading


“Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I tremble with fear.” The Scripture describes Moses took off his shoes for he knew he stood in holy ground. While the power of God enables us to stand with #nofear, it is this same power that we must respect in holy awe. May our worship reflect our hearts. #biblereading

Psalm 3:1-8

Pastor Nate mentioned this morning that he and his son encountered a bit of a scary situation recently. And as only a 6 year old can say, his little boy said "We don't have to be scared, Dad. We have Jesus." #nofear #biblereading


Pastor Nate mentioned this morning that he and his son encountered a bit of a scary situation recently. And as only a 6 year old can say, his little boy said “We don’t have to be scared, Dad. We have Jesus.” #nofear #biblereading

Psalm 27:1-5

 How will I get everything accomplished this week? What am I going to miss in the schedule? What mistakes am I going to try to avoid this week? Monday has arrived and it seems for me it's a day to fight worry and fear if I'm not on guard with Scripture, prayer, and worship music. The Lord is my stronghold; there's no need to fear Monday or any other day of the week!!#nofear #biblereading


How will I get everything accomplished this week? What am I going to miss in the schedule? What mistakes am I going to try to avoid this week? Monday has arrived and it seems for me it’s a day to fight worry and fear if I’m not on guard with Scripture, prayer, and worship music. The Lord is my stronghold; there’s no need to fear Monday or any other day of the week!!#nofear #biblereading

Psalm 143:1-6

"For the enemy has pursued my soul. he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me sit in darkness like those long dead. Therefore my spirit faints within me;my heart within me is appalled." When fear and worry and doubt blanket our hearts, the psalmist reminds us of what to do. Remember what God has done in the past and know that he has preserved the future. There is no need to fear! #nofear#biblereading


“For the enemy has pursued my soul. he has crushed my life to the ground;
he has made me sit in darkness like those long dead.
Therefore my spirit faints within me;my heart within me is appalled.” When fear and worry and doubt blanket our hearts, the psalmist reminds us of what to do. Remember what God has done in the past and know that he has preserved the future. There is no need to fear! #nofear#biblereading

Psalm 143:7-12

"In your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble!" Psalm 143 is teaching us what to do when we experience fear: Ask God to bring us back to a level-headed state! (Sorry for the typo on the schedule graphic! Hopefully you continued reading from yesterday; our passage today is Psalm 143:7-12) #nofear #biblereading

“In your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble!” Psalm 143 is teaching us what to do when we experience fear: Ask God to bring us back to a level-headed state! (Sorry for the typo on the schedule graphic! Hopefully you continued reading from yesterday; our passage today is Psalm 143:7-12) #nofear #biblereading

Psalm 23:1-6


Night before last I watched my little girl’s body seize and prayed her through it. The slow neurological degeneration of my Taylor’s disease often feels like the valley of the shadow of death. A very long, drawn out, slow suffering that destroys her body and mind. She is such a strong fighter. But although we walk this path, we are not afraid. He is with us. And he is with you too. Our God is bigger than MPS and cancer and divorce and heart disease and natural disasters and failed relationships and family breakups. Whatever piece of death you are processing, have #nofear , your God is near. #biblereading

That almost concludes our No Fear Bible reading challenge. Saturday morning we’ll read the last day of the monthly plan and I’ll edit this post to include the last day. I’ll be posting our new plan for May as well; so be looking for it! We’ll start Sunday! Wow. That’s crazy. See you soon!

By his grace,



No Fear Bible Reading Plan

Monthly Topical Bible Reading Plans

No Fear Bible Reading Challenge Week 1 Summary

No Fear Bible Reading Challenge Week 2 Summary