When You Need God’s Guidance

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Have you ever felt unsure of your next step? Maybe the path seemed straightforward at first, but then you reached a point where you weren’t sure what to do. In these moments, we often need specific direction. What happens when you need God’s guidance?

Abraham’s servant, Eliezer, found himself in a similar situation in Genesis 24 when tasked with an enormous responsibility—finding a wife for Isaac. How could he possibly know which woman was right for his master’s son?

Abraham’s instructions didn’t come with a detailed road map. Instead, he told Eliezer that the woman Isaac was to marry should come from Abraham’s homeland and be from his relatives. No pressure, right? It’s no wonder Eliezer’s mind was spinning with “what ifs.” What if the woman didn’t come with him? Should he bring Isaac to meet her instead? Abraham reassured him that God would send an angel ahead of him to help, but Eliezer still had to take the journey and figure out how to fulfill this task.

As Eliezer set out on the journey with ten camels loaded with gifts, he must have felt the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders. When he finally arrived in the land Abraham had directed him to, he stopped at a well to rest. He had followed the general instructions up to this point, but what next? How could he identify the right woman for Isaac among the many?

Eliezer had done all he could in his strength, but at this moment, he turned to God for the specific guidance he needed. Genesis 24:12 records his simple, heartfelt prayer: “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” Eliezer asked God for a sign to know which woman was right for Isaac. And sure enough, before he had even finished praying, Rebekah appeared.

Eliezer’s story offers a powerful reminder that when we reach the end of our understanding, we can—and should—pause to ask God for direction. Instead of pressing on in our strength, we can stop, seek God’s wisdom, and trust Him to lead us in the right direction.

How many of us forget this crucial step? We might drive ourselves to exhaustion trying to figure out the details of life on our own, but God invites us to stop and ask Him for help. Like Eliezer, we can come to God with our uncertainties, believing He knows the way forward even when we don’t.

When you find yourself at a crossroads, here’s a simple Prayer Direction Guide to help you pause, pray, and pivot:

  1. Begin the day by asking for God’s guidance. Start with prayer, inviting God to lead you throughout the day.
  2. Use the initial emotional disturbance as a trigger to pause and pray. When you feel anxious or uncertain, let that remind you to stop and seek God’s wisdom.
  3. Allow God’s Word, Spirit, and people to be your daily compass. Let Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and wise counsel guide your steps.
  4. Embrace number 3 anew whenever you start to stray. If you find yourself drifting, come back to the guidance of God’s Word, Spirit, and people.
  5. Recognize that feeling lost doesn’t necessarily mean that you are. Trust that God is with you, even when the path ahead isn’t clear.

Eliezer’s story shows us that we can rely on God’s guidance when we don’t know what to do. He sees the bigger picture and is always ready to lead us when we pause to ask.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the topic of discovering and understanding God’s guidance, then you’ll appreciate my new book, Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments.

How have you experienced God’s guidance in your life? I’d love for you to share in the comments today.

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