What’s In the Bible? Vol 10 Review and Giveaway

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bible reading challenge day 66

Hey there! I’m so excited to give you a What’s In the Bible? Vol 10 review and giveaway!! If you’re new to What’s in the Bible? then I am confident that you will fall in love with this DVD series just as our family has.


Volume 1 begins with Genesis and travels through the Old Testament all the way through Volume 9. Phil Vischer, creator of Veggietales, along with his friend, Buck Denver, fabulously explain the Bible in a straightforward, yet very creative manner.

And now we have arrived in the New Testament- the release of Volume 10- Jesus Is the Good News!

Enjoy this preview:

If there’s a time to be thrilled about God’s Word more than any other, it is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ- Easter! This new volume of What’s in the Bible? covers the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Volume 10 contains 2 episodes of about 25 minutes each. The first is titled “God’s Perfect Timing” and it explains how after 400 years, Jesus came to earth at the perfect time. The second, “The Messiah Has Come!,” details the life and ministry of Jesus.

I have some awesome goodies for you today from my friends at What’s In The Bible?

Coloring pages HERE.

Video clips HERE.

An awesome coupon!!! (click on the coupon to order)

AND a super duper Giveaway! WooHoo!

One awesome reader will win Vol 1, In the Beginning, of What’s In The Bible?
One awesome reader will win Vol 1 AND the brand new Vol 10 What’s In The Bible? DVD’s.

So follow the Rafflecopter and I’ll see you tomorrow! Happy Winning!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Material provided by publisher. A favorable review was not required. All opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. This site may be compensated if a purchase is made.


  1. Jessica Whitehouse says:

    Teaching my kids what true love is!

  2. Jessica Whitehouse says:

    Thank you for the opportunity!!! Just learned about these and would love to get our library started,!!!

    1. Jessica Whitehouse says:

      Oops,didn’t read the question first, sorry. I answered again 😉

  3. Love this!!

  4. My favorite part of celebrating Easter and the good news of Jesus is making Hot Cross Buns and telling the Easter story together as we eat them! It’s become something I look forward to all year.

  5. Would love to win this for my children!

  6. I am the oldest of 7…we all like what’s in the bible, even me (and I’m 14! :)) We have volumes 3, 4 and 5 and they get watched like clockwork.

  7. Would love to send this to my grandson. He just moved to another state and Im missing him terribly. Im gathering special gifts to send to him in the mail for each month. Would love for this to be one of his surprises!

  8. I would love to win this for my grandson!

  9. Christine says:

    These are wonderful for keeping my kids attention and they retain the information so well because of the way it’s presented. Our favorite part of celebrating is sharing the Good News with our family…(escpecially nieces and nephews) that only hear about the easter bunny at home.

  10. What is your favorite part of celebrating Jesus Is the Good News? Knowing that He loves me, in spite of myself and that His gift is free to all who will accept it.

  11. We have the Christmas WITB and it’s really good. I’d love to see what we can learn about Easter. 🙂

  12. I have been looking for ways to teach my boys and I think this is a great way to teach them. Thanks for posting.

  13. Darlene R. says:

    Thanks for the chance, my grand girls would love these.

  14. getting to share the story of Jesus with children! just thinking of how many kids will hear the story through these DVDs!

  15. Joanna R. says:

    I love that Easter is celebrated in Spring- I’m joyed by symblance of the hope Spring brings with rebirth, life & the coming freshness- I’m grateful that in the Lord we have forever what Springs only brings once a year.

  16. My favorite part of celebrating the Good news of Jesus is hearing my kids sing worship songs that are filled with the message of grace and redemption

  17. I’m so glad that WITB is in the New Testament now! We love the story where Jesus tells the disciples not to send the children away because it shows that Jesus is for everyone. Looking forward to seeing this dvd! Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. I have yet to see these videos, but the little clips are amazing. I can’t wait to show them to my kids!!!

  19. Mary Ensley says:

    I have seen several glowing reviews of these DVD’s and would love to own a set.

  20. Stephanie A. says:

    These look awesome. I would love to use these for our homeschool program. What a great way to explain such difficult concepts to young children.

  21. My girls would love these!

  22. Would love to win!

  23. I haven’t seen these, but have heard good things about them! I’m sure our twin boys would love them.

  24. I’ve heard incredible things about this series, but we don’t any and neither does our church library!

  25. These look awesome for my nieces, though I am sure my daughter (11yr old) would watch them too!! I love to see when people realize that Jesus does love them and came for them!

  26. This series look exactly what I’ve been looking for our daughter to watch. It looks like its very child geared along with silly songs to keep their attention. And would love to add these to our collection.

  27. Nancy Miller says:

    First time hearing about these DVD’s.

  28. Mary Lynn says:

    We love Easter at our house. We celebrate with a Passover Seder. It is a wonderful tradition for us that teaches the children and reminds us of God’s plan and provision for our salvation from the very beginning.

  29. I love hearing my daughter talk about Jesus. These DVDs would be a great for her!

  30. I was debating the other day about getting part of this series for my kids for Easter. I think this would be great!

  31. My twins are crazy about these videos. My Sunday school class would love these!!!!

  32. I love talking with my kids about Jesus! Just yesterday we were in the car headed to school & they were talking about why they want to get baptized. JOY!

  33. Teaching my children about what Jesus did for us and the hope we have in Him!

  34. Michele R says:

    I love seeing my 5 year old get all excited about Easter and re telling the story of Jesus resurrection with his resurrection eggs! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  35. I love to see the joy and love they find when they hear about Jesus. Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. This year my favorite part is seeing the joy in my toddlers face when we talk about jesus being alive!

  37. I love sharing the good news of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection with my Sunday School class of first graders! My own children have known the stories since they were old enough to listen, but some of the kids that our church buses bring in don’t know what Jesus did for us.

  38. Kim Osburn says:

    What is your favorite part of celebrating Jesus Is the Good News? My favorite Holiday is Easter, celebrating our Savior’s Resurrection and the new hope of life.

  39. My kids would really enjoy these.

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