Waiting on God Bible Reading Summary Week 2

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Are you tired of waiting on God? We learned this week that waiting on God is not inactive or boring! Check out what to be doing during the wait. #waitingonGod #Biblereading #Biblejournaling

Friday is here! Wow- this week surely flew by. My goal with this Bible reading challenge has been to try to do a little Bible journaling each day. One of the biggest reasons I am enjoying the Bible art journaling is that it allows me to keep my hands creative while my heart dwells on the Scripture. Let’s take a look at the week of what we were learning; check out the Waiting on God Bible reading summary week 2.

Acts 1:1-8

waiting journal 1

He always keeps his promises. One of our readers commented about how this phrase really made her stop and think: “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.” 

Micah 7:1-7

In spite of the crazy circumstances… Even in the midst of trial… Although my friends might think I’m a little craycray… And my family may not agree with my decision.. But I will look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

In spite of the crazy circumstances... Even in the midst of trial... Although my friends might think I'm a little craycray... And my family may not agree with my decision.. But I will look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

Psalm 37:1-7

He always keeps his promises.

Isn’t it interesting to see all the action words in Psalm 37? Trust. Delight. Commit. Be silent. Wait. Turns out there is a lot to do while waiting on God. I don’t want to miss any of it! 

Galatians 5:1-6

“For through the Spirit, by faith, we eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness.” The next time you find yourself waiting on God, ask yourself two words. What matters? Because what really matters is faith working through love.

"For through the Spirit, by faith, we eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness." The next time you find yourself waiting on God, ask yourself two words. What matters? Because what really matters is faith working through love.

Proverbs 8:23-36

Happy is the one who waits for wisdom. Funny how we crave happiness and hate waiting, isn’t it? Today’s passage explains they go together.

Happy is the one who waits for wisdom. Funny how we crave happiness and hate waiting, isn't it? Today's passage explains they go together.

Titus 2:11-15

The ultimate event we wait for- that blessed hope of glory, Christ’s return. Until then… While we wait… grace for living.

The ultimate event we wait for- that blessed hope of glory, Christ's return. Until then... While we wait... grace for living.

Jude 1:20-25

Build your faith. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God. If I weren’t so busy huffing and puffing about the wait, then maybe I’d realize there is a lot of work to be completed in God’s waiting room. You too?

Build your faith. Pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God. If I weren't so busy huffing and puffing about the wait, then maybe I'd realize there is a lot of work to be completed in God's waiting room. You too?

The most emphasized principles I gleaned from the reading this week is that waiting is not boring. It is not inactive. Waiting on God doesn’t mean that there is no work to do in the wait. Now granted, knowing what the work is- that is the bread and butter. But even when we feel that we don’t have the right action steps to take, the above passages really outline what we should be doing while we wait for God to move in a particular situation.

Would you share what you learned from the reading this week? Can’t wait to read about it.

By his grace,


Waiting on God series:

Waiting on God Bible reading plan

Week 1: Waiting on God summary

What is a Journaling Bible is a well-loved post that resulted from so many readers asking the question: What kind of Bible is that?


  1. September says:

    I was searching websites on How to Study the Bible and came upon your beautiful website and thank God I did. I enjoy the look and feel of your blog/website; so encouraging and inspiring. The Waiting on God Bible Reading Challenge could not have come at a better time for I am facing career and “what to do with the rest of my life” issues. I have always considered myself a spiritual person but I never had a personal relationship with God (if that makes sense) but now I’ve had some kind of awakening and I want and crave that relationship with God more than ever and pray daily that He be the center of my life and I thank God He led me to your website and that He continues to bless you in ALL that you do to spread the Word!

    1. What a wonderful place to be- to crave a relationship with God!! God has something special for you, September. Something for you that no one else he created can do or be. Stay close to him!!

  2. Mary Wiley says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your journaling ideas for the scripture readings this week. The biggest question I had on my heart this week is what is it like to be still? Waiting is hard, but what does patient waiting look like? (Psalm 37:7) I want my heart’s desire to be in line with God’s will for me.

  3. Patience has never been my strong suit. I need God’s guidance more than ever now, as I was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and have decisions to make about the route my treatment will take. This Bible study happened at exactly the right time for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed every day and am writing in a prayer journal, both about the day’s scripture, and my thoughts and feelings about this personal journey. As so many friends give me their advice, often conflicting, it is more important than ever to listen and wait on God. I realized that if my mind is cluttered with my own thoughts, I can’t possibly listen for God’s guidance. So this is a huge help. I now feel a sense of peace and clarity about what the next steps will be. I am grateful that this was discovered early and feel very hopeful about my future. Thank you God, and thank you Rachel!

  4. Hi Rachel

    I receive your emails daily to my computer and am blessed when reading them, Please let me know which bible you use when showing scriptures on your website…..I am interested in purchasing one,

    Thank you and enjoy a blessed day.

    Kindest regards

  5. Stephanie says:

    Hello Rachel,

    Thank you for you comments this week about waiting on God. I have been reading along with you this month, and I didn’t see in the readings this week how much there is to do while we wait on God. That is just what I needed to hear this morning as God continues to teach me how to wait quietly and be patient.

    Thank you so much for all of the work you put into your blog. It continues to be a blessing to me.

    Your sister in Christ,

    1. That’s what so interesting about sharing with each other; we can read the same passages and have various thoughts. I just love all the different perspectives; there’s so much to learn!

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