The Truth About Christian Purity

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bible reading challenge

Today I’m inviting you to step into a discussion on the importance of purity in the lives of Christians.

What does purity mean in the life of a Christian?

What happens when we make mistakes?

Why is it important for Christians to be pure?

truth about purity

In preparing to write this article, I first reviewed ‘s definition of pure:

pure: free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind

It’s interesting how the word “pure” is a positive, wonderful word when it comes to drinking water to sustain our bodies. But somehow, the same world that wouldn’t think of drinking contaminated water will often ridicule people who desire to remain pure in their relationships.

Purity in the life of a Christian means making the proper choices to be without sin in your life. So no matter your life status, single, married, divorced, remarried… God wants us to be free from contamination in our relationships.

If you’re familiar with the Bible story of David and Bathsheba, then you may know that David committed adultery with Bathsheba, then murdered her husband. And we have a detailed account of David’s sinful choice and the circumstances that followed. The following is an excerpt from my  free ebook, Outside the Zone:

David made mistakes.  A huge mistake.  He committed adultery and then murdered a man over it.  There is no scale of sin degree in God’s eyes.  David was still a man after God’s own heart because when he did sin, his heart immediately repented.

Do right, but when you fail, not if, but when, turn immediately to the Lord again.

Psalm 51 is prefaced with the words “To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet went to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.” I would encourage you to read this entire Psalm, but I’ve highlighted just a few of the verses below:

Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

When we make mistakes in the area of purity, we have the freedom as Christians to make our hearts right with God through repentance, as evidenced in the example of David.

In regards to the importance of purity in the life of Christians, I love what Paul says about the reason for purity:

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. I Tim. 1:5

In February of this year, my pastor preached a sermon series entitled “Great Sexpectations” and the four week series covered what the Bible says about God’s plan for sex and marriage- one man and one woman for life. Interestingly enough, I’ve grown up in church and I’ve heard loads of sermons about how wrong sexual sin is. And it is wrong- the Bible is clear.  But I honestly can’t remember hearing any sermons like the ones my pastor preached, especially the message entitled “Walk the Line.” I highly encourage anyone reading this post to head over to the church website for this awesome series if you’d like more answers to questions like:

“How far is too far?”

“Can I (fill in the blank)?”

“Is it wrong that I/we do this?”

I’m so blessed today to be a part of a group of Christian bloggers uniting in a discussion on  purity.  We’d love it if you’d join the conversation and read more posts like this one, which you can find right here.

Do conversations about purity engage your heart on the subject? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments.

purity two



  1. Thanks for posting the link to those videos – they are wonderful and will be very helpful when talking with my kids. Is that your church? They are very technologically advanced with these hi-def videos!

    1. Thanks Michael! Yes- that is my church and YES I love the stellar church technology! 🙂

  2. Purity is very important in our christian walk, I waited for my husband before we got married, I was prepared to wait that’s something that doesn’t get talked about, in the christian circles, to walk in holiness and righteousness before him. I can talk about this topic all day. It is by grace of God we are saved, we cant do nothing of ourselves, but my desire is to please him for all he has done for me.

  3. I was not sexually pure prior to meeting my husband. I had my daughter out of wedlock at 19. When I was younger, I was under the impression that even if you sinned, God would forgive you because He knows your heart. While I know that to be true, its more than that its actively knowing better and doing better. It’s not succumbing to peer pressure but standing for what you believe in. That’s something I hope to impart to my children as they grow up.

  4. Rachel, I really like your comparison between drinking pure water and keeping our relationships pure. You’re so right…people are so tuned into what they drink and eat; yet they don’t give it a second thought when they allow their wellspring to become impure.

    I stumbled through my teen years and didn’t have a plan for purity. I just went with the flow. Now that I’m a mom and have a teen daughter (and a ministry for teen girls and their moms) I know the value of having a plan before you need one. And not only that, but the importance of loving God and His plan so much that the things of this world pale in comparison to the Glory He has in store.

    I will make a point to listen to your pastor’s sermon, it sounds great.

    Thanks for a great post!

  5. Purity was talked A LOT in youth group. It was also talked that sex was designed by God and a beautiful thing in marriage. That was youth group. Never attended a church as an adult that talked about it. Weird
    Be blessed:)

  6. This is a hard one for me. I did not maintain purity in my relationship. I was so far from the Lord during that time. Bad choices. But my situation is a perfect example of God turning a mess into a message. I’m so thankful for His forgiveness. I have a 15 year old daughter. I’m praying for guidance as I have these conversations with her. Actions have consequences, even 15 years later. Hard conversations. Great timing à

    1. Jennie- I felt like this post could have continued on and on. Yes- actions do have consequences and David experienced those consequences for sure. But what a perspective you have to teach your daughter!! God is gracious. And forgiving.

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