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Hey there and welcome to the Light Bible reading challenge week 1 summary! If this is your first time here, then each month I host a Bible reading plan and journal challenge for our community. Each week I post a summary of the previous week of verses, so this post is just that. I pray that each day you spend quiet time with God and His Word, you are embracing the light it gives and learning how to live in God’s heavenly truth. Let’s review the verses for last week, ready?
John 1:1-9
Imagine the anticipation of the true light entering the world for the first time! The long-awaited Savior, arriving in the form of a newborn baby, transformed a dark and broken world. And that same Light is still transforming lives today. Jesus, draw me to your light and let it reflect in my life today.
The darkness of this world can feel overwhelming. Especially on Monday, right? Suffering hasn’t ceased. Disease is still present. Maybe your circumstances haven’t changed. But God is still on the throne and eternity is still all that really matters! This morning let’s set our eyes on the Light. You’ve got this, Redeemed One!
Father, help us choose to focus on light today. Give us your power to walk in truth no matter how dark the path. We praise You in advance!! #thelightjournal #biblereadingplan #biblereading #bibleverse #bibleverses #dailybiblequotes
John 12:44-50
One starry night, with one star beaming more brightly than the rest, He came. Lots of folks missed His arrival, even though they had been anticipating it for generations. Piercing the darkness, Hope arrived in the form of a baby and it seemed unlikely. A dark, smelly stable, a few random shepherd visitors, where was the grandeur in such an entrance? But true Light cracked open a new dawn and birthed a new era. An era that replaced legalities with grace and love. What if we chose to focus on that Light that is still shattering the darkness today?
Father, thank you for your Word and the light it provides. May I embrace it as my guide for today. Let the dark parts of my heart be illuminated with your love. May it reflect in my interactions with others. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
That wraps up a week of Scripture reading. I hope you are enjoying the Light Bible reading plan and that your journal contains the perfect focus tool and prompts for each day! Let’s continue to be faithful this week in growing with God. Have a great day!