The Honest Wife

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Can I just begin by telling you that I have one awesome husband who loves God, his family and lives like it?
And with that, can I tell you that with all my duties, interests, God-given responsibilities and ummmm, laundry, sometimes…well, way too often, my husband gets placed on…

the back burner.

I simply forget. I get caught up in all the richness of our lives that I forget the man who teams up with me to make it all happen. He is so strong that I forget he has needs. He is so there for me that I forget he needs me to be there for him.

So I purposely, consciously, make decisions to do things he loves.

I force myself to remember to place a Gatorade in the fridge so that it is nice and cold for when he comes back in from a run. 🙂

I set the kitchen timer for the clothes dryer in the basement because I want his permanent   press for work to turn out as wrinkle-free as possible.  (After all, he irons them himself as needed.)

I buy his diet Pepsi faithfully even though I never drink diet. or soda. 😉

I leave loves notes for him under his pillow and in his car whenever I get the chance.

You see, I realize that none of these things are a huge deal in and of themselves.  But they are just the little ways I can find to say:

I love you.

I want you to know that I’m thinking about you.

I appreciate everything you do to care for me and our family.

So now that I’ve been honest with you, and told you about my silly, purposeful love-living methods, I would love to hear yours!

How do you fulfill Titus 2:4, the wondrous command to “love your husband?”

Linked up with The Time-Warp Wife, Darlene Schacht.


  1. Carrie Denges says:

    I start his car in the morning and brush off the snow in the winter because he let’s me park in the garage.

  2. You are a blessed woman, my dear friend. Sometimes I find myself wondering what it would be like to have a husband that loves God and his family above everything else. Lucky for me, that’s when Jesus speaks to me and says that I have Him to get me through. Hugs to you, Rachel. God is using your writing in a mighty way.

  3. Evenin’ Girl!
    I think the biggest thing for me right now is showing interest in his interests! It can be hard but it’s worth getting to know him better! It’s part of learning that it’s not all about me I guess! 🙂 He’s such a good husband! Thanks for sharing Rachel! -Blessings, Amy

  4. Just came across your blog. This post is so amazing and true. Remembering our husbands and the simple things about our marriage!

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Thanks for stopping Ashley! Yes life and marriage, simple=important.

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