Share A Blessing Children’s Book Review & Giveaway

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share a blessing book
Alright. I’m beginning this post with a confession. I have not been very good…ok, I’ve been really horrible at writing thank you notes since this spring. There. Whew. I feel better. I have a slew of thank you notes (is slew a word? it sounds good…) from summer events that I haven’t touched yet.

I have good intentions; really I do. I have two perfect lists of names for which thank you cards need to be written, signed, and addressed. So I bought a new pack of thank you cards and on two different trips over the summer, I took the cards and lists with me as I traveled. Did I ever complete the notes? No.

See, I told you I’m horrible. But maybe, just maybe, now that I’ve made this confession, I’ll be inspired to do better. AND I have the sweetest new product to tell you about, Share A Blessing. Doesn’t the sound of the name alone make you want to follow through? Yep, it does for me.

My sweet Tristina girl was so pumped about this new product that she wanted to use it right away. So why not?

girl share a blessing

The Share A Blessing sticker book and notes is perfect for teaching children how to be a blessing to others.

share a blessing inside

She decided to write a note to one of the new teachers at her school.

final share a blessing note
 You’ve got to love the note, right?

These super sweet sticker book has over 1,000 stickers and my girl was so excited about that! The book contains 24 notecards with uplifting messages.

The book is designed for ages 6-11 and because my photos are a bit dark, I wanted to post one more graphic to make sure you could see the bright colors of the book. The colors are so perfect for this age group!

[scribd id=233973444 key=key-gyJEvvp9cM9UiOsxdBSZ mode=scroll]

If you’re interesting in purchasing one of these for a sticker lover in your family, you can find this sweet book here. And if you’re interested in winning one of these books, I happen to be giving one away today! Woohoo!

Just follow the Rafflecopter and I’ll see you tomorrow!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Product provided by Publisher; all opinions are my own.Site may be compensated if purchase is made. See full disclosure policy here.


  1. My kids wrote a note for their great aunts birthday card

  2. giladrielle young says:

    what a great idea!

  3. My girl would love this. She is always wanting to add stickers to things. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. My son got saved a few months ago. At our church a couple gives everyone a KJV Bible for their Salvation. I encouraged him to send them a thank you card. Can you believe they said in the 20yrs they’ve been giving the Bibles, they said that’s the first thank you card they’ve ever received!

  5. We have never done this, but would love to start!!

  6. Rebecca Parsons says:

    My granddaughter and I wrote one to her great great grandpa! It was for is 87th birthday!

  7. My daughter just wrote me note last week along with a bracelet she made me. I was feeling sick and she came in to my room and left it on the nightstand. A great surprise to wake up to.

  8. Such a great idea and super cute, too!

  9. Karolyn Keefler says:

    My daughter and I were practicing stamping the other day and we made cards for all occasions. My daughter made a special card to give to one of the teenage girls at church who helped her out. She enclosed a homemade bracelet too. She wanted this girl to know how special and kind is.

  10. Renita Lehigh says:

    Love this idea! I need to teach my kids to do this more often!

  11. This is a lovely idea

  12. Darlene R says:

    Would love this for my granddaughters!

  13. What a great idea! I want my children to grow up with a heart of gratitude, first of all to the Lord, and then appreciating what others invest in their lives.

  14. Hi Rachel,
    I am a teacher at a Christian school and always have thank you notes to write! Our parents and students are awesome and generous! Like you, I carry around my “to thank” list, note cards and guilt! I have great intentions and write the sentiment in my head many times over….but transferring it to the note card….not so easy! These “share-a-blessings” are a great idea! Thanks for “sharing the blessing”! and sharing your heart!

  15. Theresa L says:

    Just a few days ago, I wrote a thank you note to my son’s preschool teacher from last year. I had given her one last year, but had another gift that wasn’t finished in June. I really wrote the note, he just scribbled his name. LOL

  16. Rachel, I am not the world’s greatest thank you note writer but sporadically throughout the year, I usually write notes to anyone who pops into my head for whatever beautiful reason. The last time I did this was at the end of last school year and I wrote 10 notes to those who had been the most spiritually encouraging to me by the way they loved our students at the early childhood center including Andrew. It was also a way to leave the center with a piece of Andrew and I remaining in their hearts as well. Andrew and I have moved on to first grade in his neighborhood school, which happens to be the same elementary school that i attended and so did my children. It was the first day of school today and how the Lord has blessed me to be with my grandson as his one-to-one teacher asst. We are excited to continue our journey as we walk with our Jesus together! Sorry, got way off the topic….thx Rachel for this giveaway. I think Andrew would love to write notes to others who share God’s love in all they do!

  17. I wrote thank you notes today for a family who has been showing us the love of Jesus in very practical ways this year. My kids and I made a little gift to go with it.

  18. Love these! My sons and I like to write notes to the grandparents and thank yous for gifts.

  19. Suzanne g. says:

    My daughter will love this! 🙂

  20. Kristy Jensen says:

    We wrote letters today to their Nanny and Poppy gor their anniversary. They are too little to actually write so I write for them ad they tell me things.

  21. My kids just sent out thank you notes this week, to thank a couple who had a youth pool party last week! This looks like a wonderful product!

    Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

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