Purposeful Pause Week 3 Bible Reading Summary

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Thank you so much for coming by! Welcome to the Purposeful Pause Week 3 Bible reading summary! ! If this is your first time here, each month, I host a monthly Bible reading challenge and each week we take a look back at the previous week of Bible verses. When I first announced this month's Bible reading challenge, I had no idea how personal the topic of waiting on God would be for me. I am looking forward to writing out the verses for this review; let's do it!

Thank you so much for coming by! Welcome to the Purposeful Pause Week 3 Bible reading summary! ! If this is your first time here, each month, I host a monthly Bible reading challenge and each week we take a look back at the previous week of Bible verses. When I first announced this month’s Bible reading challenge, I had no idea how personal the topic of waiting on God would be for me. I am looking forward to writing out the verses for this review; let’s do it!

Psalm 31:17-24

Perhaps this Monday has you feeling like you’re in a besieged city. There’s a place you can’t seem to escape, a person you must face, and situation you must encounter. And frankly, you think God has forgotten you because you’ve been waiting on Him and it doesn’t appear that He is doing a thing about it. The psalmist reminds you, he reminds me today, that we are never not in God’s sight. You feel like he can’t see you? Not only can he see you but his presence has never left you.

Perhaps this Monday has you feeling like you’re in a besieged city. There’s a place you can’t seem to escape, a person you must face, and situation you must encounter. And frankly, you think God has forgotten you because you’ve been waiting on Him and it doesn’t appear that He is doing a thing about it. The psalmist reminds you, he reminds me today, that we are never not in God’s sight. You feel like he can’t see you? Not only can he see you but his presence has never left you. This is his steady, never-ending love shown to us, that even while wait in a place we aren’t fond of, with people we struggle with, or circumstances that stink, God is with us. His love is wrapped all around you and his presence lives within you. Today I’m choosing to believe that even in the hardest of waits in life, God’s presence overpowers the longing for the wait to be over. I’m learning that those “besieged cities” are actually a sweet spot to be in because I can draw closer to his presence there than anywhere else. I challenge you to choose to believe the same today and watch Monday take a different shape! #purposefulpausejournalpurposefulpausejournal #biblereadingplan

Psalm 52:5-9

“The steadfast love of God endures all the day.” Father, thank you that you don’t ration your love, but instead, you lavish it on me. I’m so grateful. Help me remember that your love is so great that you choose nothing less than perfect timing. That in you, the wait is beautiful. Amen. #purposefulpausejournal #biblereadingplan Psalm 62:1-6

“The steadfast love of God endures all the day.” Father, thank you that you don’t ration your love, but instead, you lavish it on me. I’m so grateful. Help me remember that your love is so great that you choose nothing less than perfect timing. That in you, the wait is beautiful. Amen. #purposefulpausejournal #biblereadingplan

Psalm 62:1-6

God alone. When I place my hope in things, or people, or myself? It doesn’t usually end well. Because hope is too precious a commodity to place anywhere other than in Jesus. God is working in the wait; no need to be anxious today! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

God alone. When I place my hope in things, or people, or myself? It doesn’t usually end well. Because hope is too precious a commodity to place anywhere other than in Jesus. God is working in the wait; no need to be anxious today! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

Psalm 59:1-5

Sometimes the wait is part of our deliverance. When we find ourselves waiting on God for a change, and it feels like it can’t come soon enough (The psalmist says ,”Awake, come to meet me, and see!”), then let’s remember that the wait could be God’s very protection over us. Right? Have a thriving Thursday! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

Sometimes the wait is part of our deliverance. When we find ourselves waiting on God for a change, and it feels like it can’t come soon enough (The psalmist says ,”Awake, come to meet me, and see!”), then let’s remember that the wait could be God’s very protection over us. Right? Have a thriving Thursday! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

Psalm 59:6-10

When I can’t see what God is doing through the wait, He provides the strength to sustain me. Through his strength, I can watch and anticipate his work to unfold. It’s never been truer than today. I pray the same for you this Friday! Have a great day! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

When I can’t see what God is doing through the wait, He provides the strength to sustain me. Through his strength, I can watch and anticipate his work to unfold. It’s never been truer than today. I pray the same for you this Friday! Have a great day! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

Psalm 59:11-17

Do you feel like you are distressed? He’s there. Is the stress of waiting on circumstances to change wearing you down? He’s holding you. How do I know? The testimony of His Word is true! I’m not usually a loud music kind of girl but this verse is inspiring me to crank it up today! Have a super Saturday! #purposefulpausejournal #biblereadingplan #praisehimanyway

Do you feel like you are distressed? He’s there. Is the stress of waiting on circumstances to change wearing you down? He’s holding you. How do I know? The testimony of His Word is true! I’m not usually a loud music kind of girl but this verse is inspiring me to crank it up today! Have a super Saturday! #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan #praisehimanyway

James 1:13-18

This morning I’m sitting here with my girl thinking about how we like to choose our own gifts. I mean, isn’t that what a registry is all about? And I think that’s how we have a tendency to look at God’s gifts. We have our registries all filled out and ask the Lord to give us those good gifts. Then when his gifts arrive and they are wrapped differently and shaped oddly, instead of unwrapping them, we run to the exchange counter. This month as we have studied about waiting on God, I’ve been learning that the wait is actually a gift. I have the choice to unwrap the waiting period and see what kind of gift God longs to give to me or I can run to the exchange counter and insist on one of the gifts I picked out for myself. Be sure to read today’s key verse from the #purposefulpausejournal#biblereadingplan

We are moving on to the final week of the August Bible reading challenge! Be sure to grab your September journal and resources. 

By his grace,



One More Step: Rachel’s book on finding strength when you feel like giving up

August Bible Reading Challenge details

August Bible reading plan & journal: Purposeful Pause- Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing

Purposeful Pause Week 1 Summary

Purposeful Pause Week 2 Summary