A Princess Prayer and Devotional Giveaway

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Each night my husband and I pray for and with each of our children. We established this beautiful pattern of bedtime routine from the beginning and they expect the routine! The few times a year that we are away from the kids, they want their prayer time over the phone. And in the past year, we’ve graduated to Facetime prayers. I never dreamed of that!

Our two youngest are especially in the princess mode at ages 2 and 4. They have a dress up box full of princess outfits and they string it out nearly every day. So we have fun with it.

Here they are doing a very princess floor puzzle:

princess girls


So I thought it would be beautiful to write a prayer for the girls for their precious princess minds. You know, those minds that are soaking up every little thing and wearing a tiara the whole time.


A Princess Prayer

This prayer to God
I whisper now.
Before my king
I humbly bow.
And while I sleep
With stars above,
My princess heart
Is full of love.


princess prayers

Along with this princess prayer, I’m so pleased to share the God’s Little Princess Bedtime Devotional with you. Of course, my girlies latched on to this book right away, as you can see,

gods princess devotional

Here’s a preview of this sweet book:

This devotional is perfect for your girly girl with its beautiful cover and shiny embellishments! The cute color art on each page is sure to win over your little princess.

If you’d like to check this sweet devotional out or order one, you can do so right here.

bedtime devo

And I’m excited to be giving away one of these sweet devotionals today! Just follow the Rafflcopter and I’ll see you tomorrow!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Darlene R. says:

    I have 3 little precious granddaughter princesses that I would love to read this to as I tuck them in bed. Thank you for the chance!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    It would be an honor to win this for my daughters!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    We often pray or sing worship songs in the car. I need to create a better routine of morning and nighttime prayers with my kids. This book looks great for little girls. I would love to give it to my little girl.

  4. shelly barnes says:

    My niece would love this devotional. She is definitely a princess.

  5. Rachel, I have a 2 year old granddaughter, Eden, that I have only seen a handful of times, because my daughter will not speak to me. This all often makes me feel very sad, but I believe that God has a greater plan and that He will heal her heart…anyway, I would love to share this Princess devotional with my little Princess. My daughter does allow me to send her gifts via another family member. What a beautiful Valentine’s gift this would be. Thx for sharing!

  6. My daughter just learned to read. This would be great for her to read to her little sister.

  7. Anytime is a great time! I think right before we start our day at Breakfast is my favorite.

  8. Eating time prayers

  9. We pray a few times throughout our day! Once when we start school, always at dinner, and a nice long prayer before bed! Sometimes other prayer time sneaks in there too, which is always nice.

  10. My 8 yo reads for at least 15 minutes every night and says prayers after. This would be perfect!!!!!!

  11. My daughter received the story book a few months ago, and we love it! I would love to have the devotional to work through with her. 🙂

  12. My granddaughter is fully aware that she is a princess to Jesus. And knows that he is with her and loves her so much. She also a routine of saying her prayers at bedtime and never forgets. As a matter of fact, she is already asking me about my devotional and what it does and how it helps Jesus. She is always doing things with Jesus in mind. Oh just to have that innocence of a small child again!! The prayer is awesome and she has already pretty much memorized it. Very intelligent for a 5 year old.

    God Bless

  13. Jessica Buckels says:

    My little girl is home sick today and I was working from my laptop when she said she wanted to sit beside me and play. I found this devotion and took the time to read it with her and we started doing each page. We went through searching all the animals that begin with each letter of the alphabet and she just happen to be sitting beside me playing with a thing of play-doh when we read the page of how God formed each one of us. This was a great drop everything and take the moment with my daughter. I appreciate you posting the book for us.

  14. We love praying with our kids before bed and before meals. I love catching my kids (for one reason or another) starting a meal early and without being prompted, see their little heads bowed in silent prayer. Looks like a great devo!

  15. Thanks for the chance! I know my daughter will love that prayer over hers at bedtime with that “princess” word tucked in there ;0).

  16. April Christmas says:

    My 2 & 5 year old say prayers with me, they are so very cute. I really like the princess prayer. I bought this devotion book for a friend of my oldest daughter and it is great. I plan on getting our own soon.

  17. What a wonderful gift for a little princess! Thank you for introducing it to everyone! I have many nieces who fit the princess bill!

  18. This looks so sweet! Would love it for my little girl!

  19. Thank you so much for the chance to win this wonderful devotional.

  20. We don’t have a favorite, but I think my little princess would love the one you have shared!

  21. I really like your prayer Rachel. I have both a 2 year old & a 3 year old little girls whom I’ll be reading this to:)
    I really liked the devotional too & was so excited at first, but I admit then I was very disappointed once I came across the ‘mom & dad’ part. Ahh. My girls father left us over a year ago & only hangs around now to cause more pain. So each time I come across the dad’s inclusion in books, cartoons etc it brings another heavy load of explanations & pain to work through. Maybe other single moms can understand my plight.
    But thank you & bless you Rachel.

    1. Oh Colleen! That breaks my heart for you. Your sweet girls have a heavenly Father who loves them perfectly, but my heart surely hurts for all of you.

      1. Yes, God has promised he is a Father to the fatherless & a defender of the widow & oppressed! Thank you Rachel:)

  22. Dawn Caruso says:

    Hi Rachel, what a sweet prayer! Thank u for sharing 🙂 I will print it & give it to my grand daughters 🙂 I also entered the contest for the adorable princess bible. Thank you for sharing all your talents with us! 🙂

  23. I love books like this! So good for little girls to know they are truly loved and special. This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  24. Linda in Maryville says:

    Wonderful prayer! I’ve entered to try to win a copy for my granddaughter princess. However, I know if that does occur and someone else is blessed, that I can get a copy for her. During their night time readings this would be perfect!

  25. Thank you so much for this beautiful prayer! I love it! Thanks also for the chance to win this devotional, already at 2, my daughter is a girly girl and I think she would adore this as part of our night time prayers.

  26. Rachel, I love this prayer – so sweet! I have a little princess too and this devotional looks fab! Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

  27. My daughter would love this. I want her to know The Lord said she is a princess and she should never compromise who she is. Tks

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