Prayer Journal Printables

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Earlier this year in the spring when I spoke at the ch@t Conference in Kokomo, IN, I shared the prayer model and guide that I use to teach prayer journaling. A short while after the conference, the chat prayer model bookmark was made available and our readers fell in love with it! Prayer journal printables are pretty popular around here!

When I created the prayer journal bookmark to share with you,I didn’t research prayer journals very much at the time.  But this week, I looked through the journals at Dayspring and saw so many beautiful ones to share with you!

simple prayer journal printables and gift ideas

If you click on the photo or text, you’ll be taken to the beautiful Dayspring web store. After each journal photo, you will find a free ch@t prayer journal bookmark printable to color-coordinate with that particular journal.

The perfect prayer journal companion!

Sadie Robertson – Change the World – Christian Journal


For this pretty journal, here is a color-coordinated bookmark.

When you click on each bookmark, a pdf will open with 6 bookmarks available on  one 8.5×11 sheet.

chat purple prayer journal bookmark

The journals and accompanying bookmarks would be a great gift for your ladies’ Bible study group or prayer group at the close of a study or for Christmas!

And here are a few more color-coordinated journals and bookmarks:

Beautiful prayer journal, perfect to use with the ch@t prayer journal bookmarks!

Sadie Robertson – There’s No One Else Like You – Christian Journal

chat prayer journal bookmark

Beautiful journal to coordinate with the FREE printable bookmark included in this article!

Promises – Christian Journal


As I thought a little more, I wondered if some of you might want to use this as a gift idea for your husband or father or pastor or uncle…(ok, you get it.) So I coordinated a masculine set too!

Makes a great gift for dad, pastors, or teachers! Don't miss the ch@t prayer journal FREE printable bookmark to accompany the journal!

Hope and a Future – Christian Journal


One more thing today: I have a gift for you as requested by one of our awesome readers! She enjoys the chat prayer journal bookmark, which you can use to accompany any journal. But she wanted to know if I could create a prayer journal page she could print and place in a binder. So I have this for you today also! Just click on the graphic to open the pdf.

prayer journal printable

The above are just a few ideas to get you going with your prayer journals. If you didn’t see something that caught your eye above, then be sure to head over to Dayspring and check out their beautiful assortment of journals!

Enjoy the free printables! But before you go, which one is your favorite? I’d love to read about it in the comments! Have a thriving Thursday!







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  1. My favorite is the Glory journal!! Very pretty book.

  2. I’m new to your site and love the idea ch@t. Thanks for all the cool printables. Journaling is important to me yet I still don’t do it as often as I should. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Melanie! I’m hoping to do a little reorganizing to make things easier to find on the blog. Blessings to you!

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