A Prayer for Easter

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A Prayer for Easter

Dear Father,

My eyes lift to Heaven
In total adoration of the one true God you are.
Your incredible love for the world
Exceeds my imagination

And your gracious gift of life
Excels beyond my understanding.
When I reflect on the cross of Calvary,
My mind fails to grasp the depth of darkness-
The day you turned your back on your son
As he bore the sin of the world.
For everyone ever born.
For me.
The price was so great yet his blood poured out
To yield the highest return of investment ever known.
O Death- where is your sting?
O Grave- where is your victory?
Death? It is extinguished.
The Grave? It has been conquered.
And the empty tomb? Celebrated.
He is Risen and we praise you, Father!

Hosanna and Amen!


  1. christine pine says:

    Thank you.

  2. God bless you Rachel. Beautiful prayer for this Holy week!

  3. Hi Rachel,

    This is beautiful. I can’t grasp the cost, the sacrifice, ,the darkness, the rejection, the agony, the great love for all, and getting personal, for me and for my sin, and forgiveness of sin. Then, the victory, when to the human eye all was lost.



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