Untangling Prayer with Rachel Wojo
Untangling Prayer with Rachel Wojo
How God Uses Our Weakest Prayerful Pleas

Do you ever wonder if praying is even worth it? What power could our mere words have with the God of the universe? If you’ve pondered these questions, this episode is for you!

Segment 1: Hot Questions from Hard Spaces: 

Is it okay to pray for personal desires or is that selfish?

Segment 2: Pray More/ Worry Less Encouragement.

In the weekly segment, Pray More/Worry Less, Rachel explains how our weakest prayerful pleas are often the beginning of our strongest moments with God. 

Segment 3: Answered Prayer Stories

In the Answered Prayer Stories segment, Rachel shares the testimony of Patti Schultz and her story of infertiliy.


I’m thrilled to share that my new book Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments is now available for preorder! If you’ve ever found yourself at the end of your rope, not knowing what to pray, this book is for you. In Desperate Prayers, I explore the lives of Bible characters who prayed in their weakest moments and saw God move in powerful ways. Preorder today and discover how even the simplest prayers can usher in extraordinary strength. Go to https://desperateprayers.com; available wherever books are sold and releasing October 8, 2024.  

Rachel’s NEW book: Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments

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