P is for Preparation
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So much of life is spent not on the actual event, but in preparation for the event.
Yesterday I logged my last three training miles for the half marathon coming up on Saturday, bringing my total training miles to 233 for this race. While I’m not completely prepared in every way, I did put in some effort!
We plan birthday parties. The cake. The presents. We decide in advance where to have the party and what activities to do.
Babies are often planned. A date to coincide with vacation time or insurance policies is sometimes critical to this plan. The age of the parents and status of careers can play a role.
Our housing needs are calculated and our car payments are measured. The budget is prepared and the plan is decided.
When I look back at the 233 miles now, honestly, it seems a bit massive.But I didn’t run them all in one day…or one week…or one month.
It was a process.
Simply broken down:
one step at a time.
What event or goal are you anticipating that needs to be taken one step at a time?
Oh wow, I am so totally excited for you! And can’t wait to hear how it went. I have been praying for you sister! Thank you for kindness and sweetness! you are a blessing to me! Thanks also for the encouragement. May God richly bless you today! Way to go on the 233 you’ve already ran! wow!
in His Love,
Adrienne Reina
I love this Rachel! God speed in your race tomorrow, so excited for you and your hubby! Thanks so much for sharing your whole heart in this training experience! “One step at a time sweet Jesus”…. ~ Blessings, Amy