Our God the Rock Bible Reading Challenge

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October is upon us and around here, a new month brings a new Bible reading plan! I've been thinking about politics lately,as the Presidential debates take place and election time arrives within another month here in the US. No matter what country you live in, it's easy to feel like the entire world is in shambles. But there's one principle that I've been holding to in light of politics and world status. The God of the universe never changes. #ourGodtheRock

October is upon us and around here, a new month brings a new Bible reading plan! I’ve been thinking about politics lately,as the  Presidential debates take place and election time arrives within another month here in the US. No matter what country you live in, it’s easy to feel like the entire world is in shambles.

But there’s one principle that I’ve been holding to in light of politics and world status.

The God of the universe never changes. He has been in control since the beginning of time and will continue to reign from heaven with authority on earth. His supernatural power is above all and over all. Hallelujah! If you’re like me, one hour of watching the news or scrolling through social media or listening to the radio, in fact, any media at all and life can seem like one humongous mess. Well, guess what? God knows all about the mess. He knows every detail of every day in every life on the planet and he still loves us beyond human comprehension. This has not changed and will not change. Your favorite political party may sway. Your number one candidate may prove to change after elected into office. But our God? He is the Rock. Our God the Rock will not change.

So this month we’re reading Bible passages to remind us of our never-changing, always- steadfast God and I can’t think of a better time to focus on his immutability- the fact that he never changes who he is or his promises. Amen?

Our God the Rock Bible Reading Challenge

Welcome to Our God the Rock Bible reading challenge! If you’ve never joined a Bible reading challenge here before, each day we follow the plan and read the passage. You can share what you are learning on social media or just keep it between you and God. My goal through the reading is to draw closer to Jesus, and I want that for you too!

For this month, we will use the hashtags #ourGodtheRock and #biblereading. Almost every day, I post on Instagram or Facebook about what I’m learning through the passages and sometimes I post the Bible journaling pages I work on throughout the study.

On Fridays, I post a summary of what I learned through the week here on the blog and invite you to share what God is teaching you in the comments.

Additional/Optional Bible Reading Challenge Features

Bible Journaling

As you may know, I’ve been working on learning to Bible journal a little art and since you’ve been asking, I’ve got a FANTASTIC tool to help us both consistently read God’s Word, study it, meditate on it, and enjoy it. Use this Bible Journaling Guide to process the Bible reading through your choice of journal writing, art, or both.

Our God the Rock Bible Reading Plan

God knows all about the mess. He knows every detail of every day in every life on the planet and he still loves us beyond human comprehension. This has not changed and will not change. Your favorite political party may sway. Your number one candidate may prove to change after elected into office. But our God? He is the Rock. Our God the Rock will not change.  So this month we’re reading Bible passages to remind us of our never-changing, always- steadfast God and I can’t think of a better time to focus on his immutability #ourGodtheRock

1. Deut. 32:1-12
2. Deut. 32:13-18
3. Deut. 32:19-31
4. Deut. 32:32-44
5. Psalm 28:1-7
6. Psalm 119:89-96
7. Psalm 21:1-7
8. Psalm 27:1-5
9. Psalm 18:46-50
10. Psalm 18:1-6
11. 1 Samuel 2:1-10
12. Psalm 31:1-5
13. Psalm 12:1-8
14. Hebrews 13:1-8
15. Psalm 95:1-11
16. Psalm 40:1-8
17. Psalm 61:1-8
18. Psalm 94:17-23
19. Psalm 62:1-8
20. Hebrews 6:16-20
21. Psalm 102:24-28
22. Psalm 90:1-12
23. Psalm 144:1-8
24. Isaiah 26:1-8
25. Psalm 71:1-8
26. Isaiah 44:6-8
27. Hebrews 6:16-20
28. 1 Cor. 10:1-4
29. Romans 1:16-20
30. Psalm 115:1-9
31. Revelation 22:8-13

Just screenshot the graphic to your smartphone and mark it as a favorite for easy daily access. For a simple printable copy, click on the graphic or HERE and print out two copies of the Bible reading plan. Share one with a friend!

Thank you so much for encouraging me to dig into God’s Word each and every month as we continue to learn his word and apply it in our daily lives. May this month’s Scripture reading plan fill you with the knowledge that no matter what happens, the God of the Bible is steadfast and secure forever.

Who’s ready to dig in?

By his grace,


  1. Yes! I am IN! I missed last months challenge, and well, I really MISSED it! Can’t wait to dig in this month!

  2. Gale Fuller says:

    I am new to Journaling, I am stuck I am uncertain which way to go, I already write my prayers and Memory cards. I really don’t know where to start in Journaling. I love your posts. Thank you for sharing!!!

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