Living Life Fully:Each Day Holds Extraordinary Potential

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Hey there Friends! Coming to you from Houston, TX today. Thrilled to be with Humble First Baptist Church Mom2Mom groups today and we’re discussing the topic

Living Life Fully: Each Day Holds Extraordinary Potential

Now I can’t give away ALL my message just yet, since I’m speaking Tuesday morning and evening. But I wanted to challenge you to read Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 and below you will find our discussion questions. We’re working backwards, so to speak.

On Whimsical Wednesday, I’ll share with you the “meat” of the message. In the mean time though, I’d love it if you’d choose one or two of these questions and give me a little feedback in the comments when you have a moment. Ready?

1. What does the phrase “living life fully” mean to you?

2. Do you believe God wants our everyday lives to be boring and mundane or rich and exciting? Are you living life with that daily expectation?

3. How much daily impact do our attitudes have on the fullness of life?

4. Do you feel that your approach to the day is promoting the impact you desire?

5. Does filling the calendar encourage “full life?”

6. What practical methods have you found to assist you in calendar management?

7. Have you found a daily routine that assists you securing moments of loving God and others? Can you share your daily routines that have helped maintain a peaceful environment in your home?

8. Do you find your daily routine easily falls into a rut? Can you share any ideas that have helped you keep your routine fresh?

9. Have you found creative ways to have a quiet time with God on a regular basis or does this routine also have a tendency to get stale? 

Tomorrow I’ll list specific posts already on the blog that address some of the issues; I know some of you are already drawing the lines in your head to match the posts with the questions because you, my awesome readers, rock!

extraordinary potential

Be sure to come back tomorrow!


  1. #5 – No! I see people with full diaries and they rush around. They think they have a full life because they’re doing lots. But I don’t think that this is what Jesus talked about when He promised us life in all its fullness. I think it’s quality not quantity that matters. The times when I feel like I am living life to the full is when I’m with the people I love wholly and completely available.

    #6 – I wrote about this kind of thing only last week in my Intentional Life series. I believe that we need to be intentional about our time management. Take control of our diaries. Work out what is important to us and set these things as priorities.
    Also, I love the way that these verses from Ecclesiastes talk about there being a season for certain things. I think it’s important to recognise the season we’re in and that we may not be able to do it all now. Yet, in the future there may be a different season and time to set different priorities.

    Looking forward to reading your message, Rachel.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

  2. #3 – Our attitudes most definitely have an impact on our life! If we truly believe that God is with us every moment of every day & that He is in control of all that transpires, our attitude will be one of joy, & an attitude of joy will impact every aspect of our lives & the lives of those around us.

    #7 – I set the alarm for 5 a.m. every morning so I can spend an hour or two of quiet time with God in prayer, Bible study, & meditation, & also reading Christian self-help books by godly authors. I believe the time I spend doing this sets the course of my day to one of peace & contentment.

  3. I chose to respond to #1 and #7.
    #1 – Living life fully to me means listening for and obeying God’s command. It means getting outside my comfort zone and doing the things God calls me to do. Amazing things happen when I empty myself and submit to Him. Others are blessed as well as myself in tremendous ways. I believe He uses us to heal one another but we have to listen and obey. It means stepping away from control and too rigid a schedule and being prepared to say “yes” to Him no matter what.

    #7 – The most important part of my daily routine is my morning devotional time with the Lord. I rise an hour earlier than the children and spend at least an hour in quiet devotion to Him. I have email devos sent to my inbox which I pore over, open the Word, and absorb My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. The last one, especially, challenges me to keep Him at the forefront of my life and my day. Nothing must get in the way of my pure and unfettered devotion to Him. Other than that, I do my best to let Jesus have control of my day and my life, letting Him set the pattern and rhythm. I know He could come back at any time and I want to be ready for Him.

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