Just Say “Not Now”
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Ever feel like you just can’t “do it all?” Over Christmas break, another dear lady saw me in action with my children and said “I don’t see how you do it all.”My response to her at the time was: “Oh, little by little.”
And that’s true.
However, the fact is:
I don’t do it ALL. I like to try, but truly, not everything gets accomplished in a day. Sometimes the laundry gets piled up. Sometimes I choose to shortcut dinner and leave out a side item I originally planned. Occasionally, my blog gets neglected. I often have to let the van get a little more dirty than I prefer.
You see, “it” will get accomplished, but sometimes it is NOT NOW.
The most poignant point to remember in prioritizing life is that relationships are far more important than things.
If I have to choose between two activities because there is just not enough time to accomplish both, then I choose to do the one that affects relationships. Believe me, I have selective amnesia occasionally and in the end, that selectivity can come back to bite me.
Because we all know that the dishes will be dirty again…
the laundry will still be there…
oil changes don’t happen by themselves…
and no one is going to starve to death if dinner is 20 minutes later.
Joy is up to bat at The Better Mom today and she is offering some fantastic advice today to help you practically evaluate and set your priorities. I love her streamlined process and it would be great for you to stop by her place and check out her post.
In the mean time…It’s a holiday and Monday. For me, this means the kids are all home from school and it’s supposed to be cleaning day. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed to adjust my priorities for the day.
Less cleaning; more playing.
Have a marvelous Monday!
I loved this.
Because I can so relate to this stage of life.
Overwhelmed if I stop and think about every. single. thing. that I am doing or responsible for, but somehow. . . it is all getting done.
And I continually pray about what to let go of…
But I know the key is to die to myself and allow the spirit to be THROUGH me…
But my try hard ways slip back in all too often!
Enjoy your day off!
Thanks for the “Thank you, Lord that I’m not the only one” comment! Hope your Monday was fantastic!