January 2018 Bible Reading Week 3 Summary

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Welcometo the January 2018 Bible reading week 3 summary! If you are visiting here for the first time, we are a community of Bible believers who read God’s word each day. Each month we follow a monthly Bible reading plan and each week, we glance back together over what we read in order to retain it. Joining together in our Facebook group has been such a wonderful experience; I’ve so enjoyed being a part of thought-provoking conversations each day! At the end of this summary post, you’ll find links to all the resources. Let’s take a look back at the last week of reading on cultivating a happy heart.

Habakkuk 3:12-19

Yet. Even though. No matter what. The prophet declares that his joy cannot be stolen because his God can never be stolen from him.

Yet. Even though. No matter what. The prophet declares that his joy cannot be stolen because his God can never be stolen from him. Strength to get through whatever we are going through today comes from the Lord. Jesus, help us receive your joy and strength today, that we may join Habakkuk in his rejoicing. #purejoyjournal#biblereadingplan

John 15:5-11


What things did he write to put joy in our hearts? “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.”
What things did he write to put joy in our hearts? “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.” Remain in his love as you walk through this Tuesday and you’ll experience joy! #biblereadingplan



Pure Joy Sample Page

Galatians 5:22-26

It can feel impossible to live a life that results in beautiful fruit. Be joyful when things aren’t going our way? That’s too hard! But our effort isn’t what makes the fruit.

It can feel impossible to live a life that results in beautiful fruit. Be joyful when things aren’t going our way? That’s too hard! But our effort isn’t what makes the fruit. Verse 25 is so empowering! “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” Cultivating a happy heart? Let the Spirit keep today’s rhythm, we follow his lead. Have a wonderful Wednesday! #purejoyjournal#biblereadingplan

Psalm 92:1-8

At the works of his hands, I sing for joy! Jesus, I praise you for your abundant mercy and grace. For your love for me and how you took me from the pit.

At the works of his hands, I sing for joy! Jesus, I praise you for your abundant mercy and grace. For your love for me and how you took me from the pit. It can feel impossible to live a life that results in beautiful fruit. Be joyful when things aren’t going our way? That’s too hard! But our effort isn’t what makes the fruit. I could praise you all day and it would not be enough. !could never do enough to express how much you’ve done for me. May this Thursday reflect a heart filled with thanks! #purejoyjournal#biblereadingplan

Philippians 2:1-11

Want to make a leader’s heart happy? Work together well as a team. Love each other. Be united.

Want to make a leader’s heart happy? Work together well as a team. Love each other. Be united. In today’s #purejoyjournal #biblereadingplan , Paul instructs the church at Philippi to do this very thing. What might happen on this fabulous Friday if instead of seeing teamwork differences, we saw God’s creative diversity?

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10


What a challenge to us today! What if, in the midst of difficult circumstances, we embraced God’s Word, allowed the joy of his Spirit to radiate in our souls, and the difference in our attitudes was so remarkable that folks took notice?
What a challenge to us today! What if, in the midst of difficult circumstances, we embraced God’s Word, allowed the joy of his Spirit to radiate in our souls, and the difference in our attitudes was so remarkable that folks took notice? Superb thought to make it a great Saturday! #purejoyjournal#biblereadingplan

James 1:1-6


Trials of various kinds. James doesn’t describe the trials. Maybe because we don’t need a detailed description to know that no matter the trial, counting it joy is testing.
Trials of various kinds. James doesn’t describe the trials. Maybe because we don’t need a detailed description to know that no matter the trial, counting it joy is testing. I’m pondering whether or not I’m allowing the trials to produce steadfastness today. Anyone else? #purejoyjournal #biblereadingplan


Pure Joy Sample Page

That’s a wrap for week 3! Can’t wait to see all God has for us this week as we continue!

By his grace,




January 2018 Bible Reading Plan


January 2018 Week 1 Summary

January 2018 Week 2 Summary