Grace Saves…And More

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As sure as John 3:16 tells us God gave, the Bible is equally clear that we are saved by God’s grace. That is what grace does- grace saves.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” Eph. 2:8&9

As I reflected over writing this series on Grace Is For Giving, my focus began with salvation, but the more Scripture I read and translations I studied, the more I came to realize that it has taken me years to begin to grasp the elegance of grace.

Oh how much more grace God wants to give us than the initial dose we accepted when we trusted Christ as our Savior! Paul provides us with insight as to how this fact played out in his own life. While we don’t know the exact detail of Paul’s issue, he describes his problem as “a thorn in the flesh.” Interestingly enough, every Bible translation I read used the same word description for this problem he had- some type of physical ailment that nearly drove him crazy.  I’ve heard this preached as a possible sight problem- whatever it was, Paul wanted it gone.

In his letter to the church at Corinth, Paul writes that three times he asked God to remove the problem from him.  But his answer from the Lord was not a whisking away, problem-vanishing solution. No magic eraser, Hot Shot spot remover, or delete button.

Though God has the power to provide immediate healing, He also has the wisdom for the timing of healing power. And His answer to Paul gives us one of the miraculous secrets of burden transformation:

Another translation (ESV) reads:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Sometimes the hardest person to give grace to is: ourselves.

We want to fix the problem, not live with it.

But what God wanted Paul to learn is the very same thing He wants us to learn:

The very things we wish that God would remove from our lives are often the things that keep us relying on Him. And not just relying on Him, those very issues or people or situations-

they are what give God the most glory in our lives.

A few years ago, I personally realized this as I reflected on the gift of my daughter, Taylor, who has a rare metabolic disorder, MPS. I was privileged to give my testimony as a part of our church Christmas program and some of the words I said included:

My walk with the Lord would not be where it is today (not that I’ve arrived, by any means) if God had not given Taylor MPS and if He had not given Taylor to me.

What is it for you? What gift have you been given that requires a daily dose of His grace?

Can you share your burden with us today in the comments so we can all encourage one another to accept our weaknesses and rely on His grace?

PS: While I’m a bit embarrassed of this video, as my hairstyle is dated and you might just recognize that we’ve had two more children since this video, I’m including it today.  Not to boast of my wonderful, perfect life, but in an effort to show you a glimpse of His grace. And the glory that belongs to Him.

Rachel Wojnarowski testimony

Thanks for linking up today, Bloggers! I love seeing your encouraging posts each week!

And if my testimony has touched your heart, you can always submit personal messages or speaking requests through the contact form on the menu above.

Speak grace today; give Him the glory!

Linked up with The Mom Initiative, Gracelaced Mondays, and The Better Mom.


  1. Pingback: Grace Reaches »
  2. Your words about grace are so filled with grace, Rachel. Thanks for sharing your insights and the power of God at work in your journey.

  3. I am praying for Mia & all you lovely ladies! Please remember my family in prayer. Several tough things going on & most involve waiting. Oh, patience is not my strong suit. I am reacting with anxiety & feeling as if I am not serving my family well. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Pam. Jesus, please be with Pam in a special way today. Waiting on You can be so hard. May she find strength and mercy in your arms while she waits. Blessings to you, Pam!

      1. Thank you, Rachel. Just knowing someone is praying helps so much. We are in between churches, so feeling a lil lost. God’s Blessings to you! I appreciate your caring & taking the time to pray for each of us.

  4. This beautiful post reinforces what I just realized yesterday evening, reading “Healing for Damaged Emotions” (David Seamands). His discussion of Jesus’s parable of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:21-35) convicted me in how I have handled conflict at work. How I struggle to give and receive grace! I often become angry that others, myself and (dare I confess?) even God do not meet my expectations. My lack of giving grace and forgiveness hurts my relationships and is slowly poisoning my spirit. I sing about God’s grace on Sundays and discuss it at small group Bible studies, yet struggle to live with a more consistent attitude of grace toward others and myself. It’s as if I’m surprised that sin exists and life is hard! “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57)

    1. Bless you, Kristen, for your braveness in sharing. I think there are more of us just like you, struggling to give grace, but we mask it greatly. Gradually we pass more and more judgment until we’ve fooled ourselves into accepting our Pharisaical attitudes as righteousness. I know I’ve been there and daily He gives grace to me. This is why I’m so intent about learning to pass it on. Keep pressing on Sister! 🙂 Love in Christ.

  5. Beautiful, Rachel. I’ve been given grace over a situation, but I’m having a hard time accepting and appropriating it right now. I’m pressing on, but would love you to breathe a quick prayer for me to WALK in it 🙂
    I love the images. So powerful!
    Hugs from VA,

    1. Oh Susan! Yes, just accept it. Back to how hard it is to allow ourselves to receive grace! As a recovering perfectionist, yes, I so get it. Blessings to you, Sister.

    1. Bless you dear friend. Oh the dependence on Him, how sweet. Love and prayers for you.

  6. So tender, beautiful, and touching. Blessings to you and your family, Rachel. And Mia, I pray that the Lord will give you and your husband a special touch of His presence and you will know His comfort and peace. Blessings to you, dear one.

  7. Love this post. Appropriate for me today as I had a small victory in my lifelong battle over self image. Despite not being where I want to be physically, God gave me the grace and courage to attend my 20 year reunion and I am so happy I did. Praying for Mia, I know how hard these baby years are – when the pull and tug of “mommy, mommy” makes the physical touch from our husbands undesired. I pray that you will both find understanding and love in this phase – it is a phase, I promise. Karen, I pray for you too as you wait in patience for whatever gifts God has awaiting.

    1. oh, Jennifer! That is HUGE! Attending a 20 year reunion is big stuff. I’m so glad you share with us. Thank you for praying for Mia and your words of wisdom here. Blessings to you!

  8. Shelley Elaine says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this Rachel…especially the video. Praying with you for sweet Taylor and precious Mia.

  9. Praying for you and your husband too Mia… that you would both be so filled up with His love that it couldn’t help but overflow into your home!
    I need His grace every day to keep waiting for the second child (and hopefully more!) that I believe in my heart He has promised us. After 5 years it can seem so hard, but He shows me over and over that His grace truly is sufficient!

    1. Dear Jesus, Today I pray for my friend, Karen. Like Hannah, she waits on you. We ask your blessing on her and trust your timing, dear Father. Amen. 5 years is long, Karen. I’m going to continue to pray for you!!

  10. What a lovely place to stop into before I go to bed tonight Rachel friend! You’re a gift. And yes, I had no idea the grace of God and who He and I would be together today, when I first invited Him into my life years ago. He is good. I would like to also pray for our sister Mia tonight, that Jesus comes nearer and holds her, and gives her what she needs during her time of sadness. God can make a way girl. ~ Love from Maine, Amy

    1. Thank you ladies!! It means alot to me that you both are standing with me in prayer!! i hope you all have a great night …

    2. Sweet friend. Thank you for stopping by, for your testimony and your prayers for Mia. Oh yes, Amen, He makes ways when there are no ways.

  11. My new role as “mommy” and the daily disconnect I continue to experience with my husband, just gets worse and worse.. Some days I just want to run away, I need Gods grace more than ever . I am starting to have a loveless marriage. Words spoken in anger are no longer taken back with remorse . apologizes hugs and kisses no longer exists. Whats a women of God to do. Tears no longer matter in all the mess.

    1. Oh sweet woman! God knows and cares. He sees all; knows all. Lord Jesus, I pray for Mia today. Bless her and keep her in Your love and care. We ask for grace on all counts. Grace for this dear lady. Grace for her husband. Grace for the everyday, that it would grow abundantly.

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