5 Books I Want to Read This Summer

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books to read
In the past couple months, I have been doing more writing and less reading. I’d like to balance the two a little more evenly and so I set a goal. Because I’ve found that items you want to do are not accomplished by guesswork and hope. My friend texted me the other day to ask what I’m reading because she’s been so busy working full-time this school year, she hasn’t been afforded as much time to read. However, I really only had two suggestions for her. So today I’m sharing 5 good books to read.

To accomplish a task, a person must first be intentional, right? On this Whimsical Wednesday, I’m sharing the 5 books I want to read this summer. I’d love to read a couple of fiction books, but to tell you the truth, I’m doubting that so much that I didn’t include them in my goal. Here are the 5 books I want to read this summer:

1. The Problem of Pain

I’ve been a fan of CS Lewis since I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 4th grade. I never knew this book existed until recently when it popped up as a Goodreads recommendation. After investigating, I’m guessing I may not agree with the mastermind author Lewis point for point, but I read his works to provoke my thoughts on the topics he ponders.


The Color of Rain: How Two Families Found Faith, Hope, and Love in the Midst of Tragedy
I received an email with an excerpt from this book and I could not stop reading it! That’s unlike me, as marketing-type email in my inbox is typically scanned or ditched. Just being honest. So I finished the excerpt, then started reading the reviews and within just a few minutes, I knew this HAD to go on my summer book list.


On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
I never want to waste anyone’s time when they read my articles. For all the reasons to write, if one doesn’t do it with all there is within their soul, then why write? I can’t wait to dig in to this book and improve my writing skills.


For Women Only, Revised and Updated Edition: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men
Shaunti Feldhan is a new author to me, but wow, I’ve heard the ravings about her works! I love that she is a researcher and I never want to be so comfortable in my marriage that I think I have no places that need growth.


Twirl: A Fresh Spin at Life
A few weeks ago, I was privileged to meet Patsy Clairmont at Women of Faith and I just love the longevity she has in the ministry! The last book I read from her was Stained Glass Hearts: Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective and it really was such a sweet surprise of a book. I had no idea what to expect, but that book was so beautiful that I remember many details from it,even after years have passed. So I’m excited to see what Patsy has to offer in this new work.

Ok Friends! It’s time to hear from you! What are you planning to read this summer or what are you reading now? I’d LOVE to know; so leave a comment, will you?

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Bloggers, thanks for linking up to Whimsical Wednesday- the party place for 100% Christian encouragement! Can’t wait to check out your posts this week.

Have a wonderful (and whimsical) Wednesday!

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  1. I LOVED On Writing Well in college- so much so that I kept it and keep it on “my” bookshelf. Writing a book is a dream of mine so maybe I should pull it back out and reread it.

  2. Lorri Vitols says:

    I desire to read the Bible more and more!! May we truly read the Bible out of desire not just out of duty. This is when we hear Him speak to us so deeply. May His word beome alive in us!!! When we cry out and ask Him to give us a greater desire for Him and His word will He not answer us?

    It is a joy to read other books, but the greatest joy comes from reading the book written by the King of Kings!!! May we continue to grow in our love for our King!!! May we truly love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength!!

  3. That C.S. Lewis one…has to be good. Thanks for sharing your list…they all look great!

  4. Teresa Watson says:

    Thank you for the book list! I love to see what others are reading. I was sharing some thoughts I read from books I recently read when my soon to be son in law asked if I read a lot? I had to think about the answer and realized I was in a “read a lot” stage and still am. Some of my most recent: Before the Last Resort by George Kenworthy, The Man Whisperer, Becoming Your Spouses Better Half, both by Rick Johnson, The Noticer, The Traveler’s Gift, The Seven Decisions all by Andy Andrews. on my list to read is: Grace Filled Marriage by Dr. Tim Kimmel and Marks of the Messenger by J. Mack Stiles

  5. I plan on catching up on some reading too this summer. I had bought some books when I was on bed rest two years ago with a c section gone wrong. I ended up with a hematoma along with it. So I plan on reading and watching the kids outside this summer. looking forward to it. I was never a big reader growing up but here lately I can’ not get enough minutes in the day. Funny thing is my kids love to read. So we all will be having some down time and reading….. you enjoy your reading….

  6. Oh, these look great! C.S. Lewis – right now I’m reading the Screwtape Letters: so good! I may have to check out your pick, too. For Women Only: I’ve read a lot of books on the thought life of men and to be honest I find it depressing! But that’s probably because I am single. Great list!

    1. Teresa Watson says:

      The Man Whisperer by Rick Johnson is the best book I’ve read so far on men and how God made them and the influence I can have on my man. I would highly recommend it.

  7. Looks like a great list of books – they are all new to me. Some of the authors are familiar but the titles are intriguing. I have been reading strictly non-fiction recently and two books that are on my summer reading list are Emily Freeman’s “A Million Little Ways” and Courtney Joseph’s “Women Living Well”. Since summer tends to be a slower pace for me, I am looking forward to lots of reading and the chance to write and hone the craft of writing. Thanks for the list!

  8. I love this book list because I haven’t heard of any of them expect for C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain. I got so much out of it. Thanks for sharing your list with us. I just have one question. How do you find time to read a book????

  9. Rachel, first of all, might I just say that I think you’ll really enjoy reading Lewis’ “Problem of Pain.” He’s my favorite author, and this book caused me to ponder a lot of things. In the end, I love how Lewis argues that there is purpose even in pain.

    The other books looked really good, too!

    I’ve been reading historical detective stories as of late. Somehow the genre is fascinating to me, as I like learning about London and New York and other places anywhere from the 1300’s to the early 1900’s. I also have a book by Ted Dekker (Christian fiction writer) in the wings!


  10. For women only is an excellent read!! Some parts are difficult and others are mind blowing. You’ll be glad you read it.

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